
MPX Exceptions and Error Values

The axis command position was not properly set. This error occurs when an application sets the Axis.CommandPosition property, but the command position is not correctly set. Internally, when the Axis.CommandPosition property is set, the MPX requests the controller to change the command position, waits for the controller to process the request, and reads back the controller's command position. There are several cases where the controller will calculate a new command position to replace the requested command position. For example, if motion is in progress, stopped, or if the amp enable is disabled (when the motor's disableAction is configured for command equals actual), the controller will calculate a new command position every sample. To prevent this problem, set the command position when the axis is in an idle state and Axis.AmpDisableAction is set to None. When the axis’ amplifier is disabled and Axis.AmpDisableAction is set to CmdEqAct, the command position is continually set to the actual position. To set the command position, enable the amplifier or set Axis.AmpDisableAction to None.

Drive does not support the configuring of Monitors through addressing.

Drive does not support the configuring of Monitors through indexing.

An axis is not mapped to the specified motion object. To correct this problem, map an axis to the motion object by calling Motion.AxisAdd or by setting the Motion.Axes property.

The hardware does not support stepper motors. This error occurs when setting Axis.MotorType to MotorType.Stepper when the node hardware does not support stepper motors.

The CAN firmware is not valid. This error occurs when connecting to a controller that supports a CANOpen network if the CAN hardware bootloader detects no firmware has been loaded or the firmware signature is not recognized. To correct this problem, download valid firmware with Can.FirmwareLoadFromFile.

The CAN firmware version does not match the software version. This error occurs if the CAN firmware version is not compatible with the MPX. To correct this problem, download the proper firmware version with Can.FirmwareLoadFromFile.

The CAN firmware did not initialize. This error occurs if the controller did not copy the configuration structure from flash to memory after power-on or controller reset. To correct this problem, verify the controller firmware is correct and the controller hardware is operating properly.

The CAN node does not support the specified I/O. This error occurs by CanNode methods that read/write to a digital or analog input/output that is out of range. To prevent this problem, specify a supported I/O bit.

The CAN firmware file format has an error. This error occurs by Can.FirmwareLoadFromFile when the specified file has an error in its internal headers. This indicates a corrupted file. To correct this problem, use the original CAN firmware file or reinstall the software distribution.

The CAN firmware transfer was aborted. This error occurs by Can.FirmwareLoadFromFile or Can.FirmwareSaveToFile when the firmware loading is aborted by the user via the callback function. This error occurs for application notification. It is not an error.

The CAN command failed due to a protocol error. This error occurs by CAN methods that do not get a valid response from a CAN node. To correct this problem, check your CAN nodes for proper operation.

The CAN node does not respond. This error occurs by CanNode methods that read/write from a CAN node and the node fails the health check. This error indicates a node hardware or network connection problem. To correct this problem, verify the node operation and network connections.

The CAN command failed due to a timeout. This error occurs by CAN methods that do not get a response from a CAN node within the timeout period. To correct this problem, check your CAN nodes for proper operation.

The CAN command failed due to a user abort. This error occurs by CAN methods when an SDO transaction is aborted.

The CAN command failed due to an SDO protocol error. This error occurs by CAN methods when an SDO transaction fails because the node did not conform to the CANOpen protocol.

The controller's transmit buffer overflowed. This error occurs by CAN methods that failed to transmit a message due to an internal memory buffer overflow.

The controller's transmit buffer overflowed. This error occurs by CAN methods that failed to transmit a message due to an internal memory buffer overflow.

The controller's receive buffer is empty. This error occurs by CAN methods that expected to get a response from a CAN node, but the controller's receive buffer was empty.

The CAN network bus is in the off state. This error occurs by CAN methods that are not able to use the CAN network because the bus is off. To correct this problem, verify the node operation and network connections.

When initialising the CAN system, some tests are performed to make sure that the CAN processor is returning a valid signature value. If an unexpected signature is returned, this error message is returned. A probable cause for this error is that the bootloader is invalid. To correct this problem, you will need to return the controller to Kollmorgen to fix the bootloader.

The global trigger configuration is not valid. This error occurs if the capture's trigger source is set to global and the capture's global trigger is enabled simultaneously. To correct this problem, either set the capture's trigger source to global or enable the capture's global trigger (not both).

The global trigger is already enabled. This error occurs by when attempting to configure the capture to set the global trigger and another capture on the same node is already configured to set the global trigger. Only one capture is allowed to set the global trigger per node.

This value is returned by Capture.Position and Capture.State when the communication between the controller and the capture logic on the node fails resulting in an invalid capture state.

The capture hardware does not support the primary encoder.

The capture hardware does not support the secondary encoder.

The Capture is already armed and cannot be reconfigured until it is disabled or triggered.

The client packet header is not valid. This error occurs when a communicating to a remote controller and a packet header is corrupted. This indicates a problem with the message transmission. Check your network hardware.

This error message is returned when attempting to configure the control object while axes are running. It is recommended that all configuration of the control object occur prior to commanding motion.

The controller number is out of range. This error occurs when attempting to construct a Controller if the controller number is less than zero or greater than 7.

The controller's external memory will overflow. This error occurs when configuring the Controller object if the dynamic memory allocation exceeds the external memory available on the controller. To correct the problem, reduce the number/size of control configuration resources or use a controller model with a larger static memory component.

The FPGA socket type does not exist. This error occurs from Controller.FirmwareLoadFromFile if the controller does not support the FPGA type that was specified in the FPGA image file. To correct this problem, use a different FPGA image that is compatible with the controller.

Attempting to configure the control object while a recorder is running. It is recommended that all configurations of the control object occur prior to operation of any recorder objects.

The controller sample rate is too small. This error occurs when attempting to set Controller.SampleRate to a value less than 1kHz. SynqNet does not support cyclic data rates below 1kHz. The controller's sample rate specifies the SynqNet cyclic rate.

The controller sample rate is too big. This error occurs when attempting to set Controller.SampleRate to a value greater than the maximum rate supported by the controller.

A 64-bit read failed. Internally, the MPX uses an algorithm to construct the 64-bit position data via multiple 32-bit reads. If the 64-bit position value is not valid after multiple attempts, this error will be returned. If your application experiences this error message, please contact Kollmorgen.

The software or hardware failed. This error occurs by a method when an inexplicable data value is read from the controller or host memory. This error indicates a serious problem with the host computer, memory, or controller. Contact a Kollmorgen applications engineer if you receive this error.

An error occurred when closing a file. This error occurs by a method that fails to close a file. File closing errors indicate a missing file, bad file, or other file system problems.

An error occurred when opening a file. This error occurs by a method that fails to open a file. File opening errors indicate a missing file, bad file, or other file system problems.

An error occurred when reading from a file. This error occurs by a method that fails to read from a file. File reading errors indicate a bad file or other file system problems.

An error occurred when writing to a file. This error occurs by a method that fails to write to a file. File writing errors indicate a bad file or other file system problems.

The file being downloaded does not match the installed hardware. For example, if a user attempts to download an XMP file to a ZMP controller or a ZMP file to an XMP controller, the MPX will throw an exception containing the error code FileMismatch.

The filter derivative rate is not valid. This error occurs by setting Axis.FilterCoeff (FilterCoeff.PidDRate) to a value less than 0 or greater than 7.

The filter Ka1 value is not valid. This error occurs by setting Axis.FilterCoeff(FilterCoeff.PivKa1) to a value less than 0 or greater than or equal to 1 for the PIV algorithm.

The network topology has not been saved to flash. This error occurs from some FlashSave methods if the network topology has not been previously saved to flash. This error serves as a warning of a potential safety problem. Saving object configurations to flash will cause those values to be sent to nodes during the next network initialization, even if the flash configurations are not compatible with the network topology. If the network topology is saved to flash, then the controller will automatically verify the topology before sending object configuration values to the nodes. To prevent this error, use SynqNet.TopologySave to save the network topology to the controller's flash memory. For more information, please see Save/Clear Topology to Flash.

The flash file path is too long. This error occurs from Controller.FirmwareLoadFromFile if the file path is too long. Currently, the file path may contain a maximum of 108 characters. To correct this problem, use a shorter path.

The flash memory write failed. This indicates a problem in the flash memory component or subsystem.

The axis count is not valid. This error occurs when Controller.AxisCount is set to a negative value or a value larger than what the controller model supports.

The capture count is not valid. This error occurs when Controller.CaptureCount is set to a negative value or a value larger than the controller model supports.

The motion count is not valid. This error occurs when Controller.MotionCount is set to a negative value or a value larger than what the controller model supports.

The recorder count is not valid. This error occurs when Controller.RecorderCount is set to a negative value or a value larger than what the controller model supports.

The VM3-string representing a controller memory location is not valid.

The map name is not found. This error occurs when the VM3-string representing a controller memory location is not found in the map.

An index is not valid in the VM3-string representing a controller memory location. This error occurs when index is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the maximum instance count.

The map file is not valid. This error occurs if the map file cannot be parsed.

The motion attribute is not valid. This error occurs from Motion object move methods if the motion attribute mask is not compatible with the specified motion type. To correct the problem, do not use the motion attribute mask with the specified motion type or select a different motion type.

The number of axes is out of range. This message is returned from some Motion object methods if there are no axes associated with the Motion object or if the axis count exceeds the maximum number of axes for coordinated motion (currently 16).

The axis frame count is invalid on this Motion object. All axes appended to a Motion object must have the same frame buffer size. The axis frame buffer sizes are configured with the low-level controller configuration routine currently not available in the MPX.

The specified axis object is not available. This message is returned from Motion.AxisRemove if the axis that is being removed is not a member of the Motion object.

Motion supervisor axes are in the error state. This error occurs from Motion object move methods when the Motion object is in the error state. A motion cannot be commanded when a stop is in progress. This error is also returned from Motion.Stop and Motion.Resume when the Motion object is in the error state.

The controller's frame buffer is low. This is an internal message code used by the MPX to manage the frame buffering.

The controller's frame buffer is empty. This is an internal message code used by the MPX to manage the frame buffering.

This error occurs when attempting to command a motion with the Mpx.MoveAttribute.Modify attribute set and the Motion object in the idle state. A motion cannot be modified if no motion is in progress. To correct the problem, specify the Mpx.MoveAttribute.AutoStart attribute or do not specify the Mpx.MoveAttribute.Modify attribute. This error is also returned from Motion.Stop and Motion.Resume when the motion object is in the idle state. A motion cannot be stopped if there is no motion in progress and a motion cannot be resumed if there is no motion profile pending.

This error occurs if both MoveAttribute.Modify and MoveAttribute.Delay attributes are both specified for Motion object move methods.

At least one axis associated with the Motion object is moving. This error occurs from Motion object move methods when the motion supervisor is in the moving state. A motion cannot be started if a motion is in progress. To correct the problem, use the MoveAttribute.Modify attribute. This error is also returned from Motion.Resume and Motion.FaultsClear when the Motion object is in the moving state.

The motion object has no axes. This error occurs from Motion object move methods when there are no axes associated with the Motion object. To correct this problem, make sure there is at least one axis object associated with the Motion object before commanding any motion or actions.

The specified multi-point motion path is not valid. This error occurs from Motion object streaming-point move methods when the final point is not specified or the time slice is less than one controller sample.

The motion profile is not possible with the specified constraints. This error occurs by MoveAttribute.Modify and MoveAttribute.NoReversal attributes are both specified for Motion object move methods, but the specified target position is in the reverse direction. To correct the problem, either remove the MoveAttribute.NoReversal attribute or specify a target position that is in the same direction as the motion profile in progress.

Motion supervisor axes are stopping due to a stop action. This error occurs from Motion object move methods when the Motion object is in the stopping state. A motion cannot be commanded when a stop is in progress. This error is also returned from Motion.Resume and Motion.FaultsClear when the Motion object is in the stopping state.

Motion supervisor axes are stopped due to a stop action. This error occurs from Motion.Stop while the Motion object is already in the stopped state.

Motion supervisor axes are stopping due to an e-stop or e-stop-abort action. This error occurs from Motion object move methods when the Motion object is in the stopping-error state. A motion cannot be commanded when a stop is in progress. This error is also returned from Motion.Resume and Motion.FaultsClear when the Motion object is in the stopping-error state.

The MPX does not match the application. This error occurs when attempting to construct a Controller object if the MPX library does not match the MPI library. To correct this problem, uninstall the MPX software and then re-install it.

Memory is not available. This error occurs when an object needs to allocate memory, but the memory allocation fails.

The operation was successful. An MPX exception should never contain an error value of None.

The object has been freed. This error occurs within the object when the object is deleted. This error is used internally.

The object is not active in the controller. This error occurs when real-time data or a handshake is required between the MPX and the controller, and the object being accessed is not enabled in the controller.

The object is not found on an object list. This error occurs by a method when an object does not exist on the specified list or the object list does not exist. This error can be returned from methods that insert or remove objects from a list. To correct this problem, specify an object that exists on the list or specify a different object list containing the object.

The server socket address is not valid. This error occurs from the Controller object constructor or from Controller.Connect when the server name is not specified or the server address is not valid. To correct the problem, make sure the server is operational and the server name or address is valid.

The socket communication failed. This error occurs when communicating to a remote controller and a method fails to send or receive data correctly. This error message usually indicates a hardware problem. To correct this problem, make sure your network hardware is functioning properly and that all network connections are reliable.

The socket communication connection is closed. This error occurs when communicating to a remote controller and zero bytes of data are sent or received. This error message usually means that the socket communication was not opened or was closed.

A parameter is not valid. This error occurs when a property is set to an invalid value or when a method is called and one or more arguments fail an integrity check.

The Recorder object is already running. This error occurs from Recorder.Start if the recorder has already been started. If this is a problem, call Recorder.Stop to stop the data recorder or wait for the recorder to collect the all its records and stop.

The boot file "kollmorgen_ember.a00" was not found. When downloading drive images to Kollmorgen CD, DASA, and PicoDAD drives, a boot file is downloaded to the drive prior to the actual drive image. This boot file needs to be located in the same directory as the drive's image file that was provided for download.

The SqNode Boot Rom identification or version is not recognized by the MPX.

Unable to discover node rescources.

Node firmware download failed. Verify that the firmware file is correct and retry the download.
NOTE: A network reset my be required.

The downloading of the node firmware (FPGA) image is not supported for this node.

When initializing the SynqNet network, one of the nodes requires a SynqNet packet larger that what can be supported.

The file provided for download was not found or was corrupted.

Node type does not match the file provided for download.

The header information in the download image is invalid. Please verify that the firmware file is correct and retry the download. If the firmware file is correct please contact the firmware manufacturer.

An attempt to write information to the node has failed due to an invalid string length.

Invalid resource table in node module. This is a fatal error within the MPX. Please verify MPX and node FPGA versions to be correct and then contact Kollmorgen's Technical Support.

During the initialization of the modules attached to a SQID node, the maximum current that can be drawn from the inter module 3.3V bus exceeds the allowable current.

Two modules attached to a SQID node are incompatible. This error message code is returned when initializing a SQID node. Different types of I/O modules may be incompatible and will not work on the same SQID node.

The EEPROM on one of the modules attached to a SQID node has not been programmed.

The maximum number of I/O that can be supported by a SQID node has been exceeded.

When initializing an SQIO node, checks are performed to confirm that the node actually supports the correct number of I/O. This error is returned when one of these tests fails. An error will occur when the length of at least one of the inter module (SPI) buses does not match the length calculated from data held in the module EEPROMs. This error message can be returned by MPX methods that reset the SynqNet Network such as the Controller constructor, Controller.Connect, Controller.Reset, and SynqNet.Initialize. This error message can ONLY be generated by SQIO nodes. This fault can also be caused by a poor electrical connection between the SQID and the I/O modules. If the modules are firmly connected and the error message persists, you will need to contact your supplier of the I/O Modules to correct the hardware.

During the initialization of the modules attached to a SQID node, the maximum current that can be drawn from the inter module 5V bus exceeds the allowable current.

An error was encountered while initalizing the Slice I/O node.

Slice I/O nodes can only support up to 32 slices attached to the network adapter. This error is returned when more than 32 slices are detected on a single network adapter.

A slice is attached to the node that is not supplied by Kollmorgen. You can only use slices supplied by Kollmorgen.

The Slice I/O node did not initalize within the expected time.

When attempting to access data on a slice, a communication fault was detected. The message received from the slice was badly formed, errors include CRC and missing start/stop bits.

When attempting to access data on a slice, a communication fault was detected. The slice returned too many characters when responding to this request.

When attempting to access data on a slice, a communication fault was detected. The slice returned an error code.

When attempting to access data on a slice, a communication fault was detected. An unknown fault was detected when accessing this slice.

When attempting to access data on a slice, a communication fault was detected. The slice does not support the requested data.

When attempting to access data on a slice, a communication fault was detected. The slice does not support the action requested on this data. For example, a read or write.

When attempting to access data on slice, a communication fault was detected. The slice does not support the requested data.

When attempting to access data on slice, a communication fault was detected. The slice is already in the requested mode.

When attempting to access data on slice, a communication fault was detected. The slice can not perform the requested action in its current state.

When attempting to access data on a slice, a communication fault was detected. You cannot modify the data on this slice.

When attempting to access data on a slice, a communication fault was detected. Not enough data was supplied to the slice for this operation.

When attempting to access data on a slice, a communication fault was detected. The slice does not support the requested data.

When attempting to access data on a slice, a communication fault was detected. Too much data was supplied to the slice for this operation.

When attempting to access data on a slice, a communication fault was detected. The slice does not support the requested data.

When attempting to access data on a slice, a communication fault was detected. The slice does not support the specified parameter.

When attempting to access data on a slice, a communication fault was detected. The slice failed during a store operation.

When attempting to access data on a slice, a communication fault was detected. The error code from the slice was not recognized.

When attempting to access data on a slice, a communication fault was detected. The operation on the slice exceeded the timeout threshold.

When attempting to access data on a slice, a communication fault was detected. The response from the slice was not formatted correctly.

An attempt was made to access a SynqNet node that has a node failure event active.

The drive parameter that the user is attempting to set is read only.

The drive parameter that the user is attempting to set is not accessible. SelSFDParam must be set to 0, otherwise the SFD motor parameters will be used.

The node/drive did not complete the hand shaking for the service command.

The drive/node did not respond to the service command issued in a reasonable amount of time

There was an error in carrying out the service command issued.

The service command is not supported by the node.

The service command issued is either not supported or recognized by the drive.

Some methods can only be executed in SYNQ state. This message will be returned when the network is not in the expected network state (i.e ASYNQ state).

The node FPGA firmware does not match the FPGA image file.

The node specified for verification does not support the upload of the FPGA image. Therefore, the image cannot be verified.

The minimum cable length is too long or exceeds nominal value.

The maximum cable length is too long or is less than nominal value.

The nominal cable length is too long.

The SynqNet network communication failed. This error occurs from MPX methods that fail a service command transaction due to a network shutdown. This message indicates a node or network cable failure. To correct this problem, check your network wiring and node condition.

The SynqNet network communication failed due to excessive CRC errors. This error occurs by MPX methods that fail a service command transaction due to a network shutdown. This message indicates a node or network cable failure. To correct this problem, check your network wiring and node condition.

The SynqNet network communication failed due to a Rincon receive error. This error occurs from MPX methods that fail a service command transaction due to a network shutdown. This message indicates a node or network cable failure. To correct this problem, check your network wiring and node condition.

The SynqNet network communication failed due to a Rincon receive CRC error. This error occurs from MPX methods that fail a service command transaction due to a network shutdown. This message indicates a node or network cable failure. To correct this problem, check your network wiring and node condition.

The SynqNet network communication failed due to a Rincon receive dribble error. This error occurs from MPX methods that fail a service command transaction due to a network shutdown. This message indicates a node or network cable failure. To correct this problem, check your network wiring and node condition.

The SynqNet network communication failed due to a Rincon receive buffer error. This error occurs from MPX methods that fail a service command transaction due to a network shutdown. This message indicates a node or network cable failure. To correct this problem, check your network wiring and node condition.

The SynqNet network communication failed due to a Rincon receive length error. This error occurs from MPX methods that fail a service command transaction due to a network shutdown. This message indicates a node or network cable failure. To correct this problem, check your network wiring and node condition.

The controller's SynqNet state is not expected. This error code is returned from SynqNet.Initialize if the SynqNet network initialization fails to reach the SYNQ state. This error indicates a failure in the controller's initialization sequence. To correct this problem, check your node hardware and network connections.

An attempt to clear the saved network topology was made when no network topology had been saved.

An attempt to save the network topology was made when the network topology had already been saved. Clear the network topology before attempting to save another topology to flash.

The wait time has expired. This error occurs when the MPX is waiting for a response from the controller, a hardware resource, or a semaphore lock, and the maximum wait time value expired. The MPX uses timeout values to prevent lock-up conditions when unexpected behavior occurs. To correct this problem, check the hardware health, power, and network connections.

The software or controller does not support a feature. This error occurs when a feature is accessed that the MPX, controller, or network device does not support.





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