command |
Selects the command data type and count. Please see MEISynqNetResourceCommand. |
pulseEngineCount |
Configures the number of pulse engine to be enable for a motor. Valid numbers are zero thru MEISynqNetMaxMotorPULSE_ENGINE_COUNT, but may be further limited by the available resources on the node.
Each pulse engine requires a 64-bit upstream data field and a 32-bit downstream data field. |
feedbackPrimaryCount |
Configures the number of 32-bit feedback data fields to be sent for a motor. Valid numbers are zero thru MEISynqNetMaxEncoderFEEDBACK_COUNT, but may be further limited by the available resources on the node. |
captureCount |
Configures the number of 32-bit capture data fields to be sent for a motor. Valid numbers are zero thru MEISynqNetMaxMotorCAPTURE_COUNT, but may be further limited by the available resources on the node. If feedbackCount is zero (0x0), then this value must also be zero.
NOTE: All capture/compare resources on a motor rely on two fixed 32bit data fields for command and status information. These fixed fields are currently not configurable. |
compareCount |
Configures the number of 32-bit compare data fields to be sent for a motor. Valid numbers are zero thru MEISynqNetMaxMotorCOMPARE_COUNT, but may be further limited by the available resources on the node.
NOTE: all capture/compare resources on a motor rely on two fixed 32bit data fields for command and status information. These fixed fields are currently not configurable. |
ioInput |
Selects the number of input bit data received from this motor. Please see MEISynqNetResourceIoBits. |
ioOutput |
Selects the number of output bit data sent to this motor. Please see MEISynqNetResourceIoBits. |
monitor |
Selects the number of montior data fields received from this motor. Please see MEISynqNetResourceMonitor. |
probe |
A structure that specifies the probe count and register depth. |