


/* WARNING: meiSynqNetPacketConfigSet(...) and 
 * meiSynqNetPacketFlashConfigSet(...) are  low-level network   
 * routines that must clear other controller object configurations.     
 * This method should be run before configuring most MPI objects.  
* Please refer to the online documentation for more information.
long meiSynqNetPacketConfigGet(MEISynqNet synqNet, MEISynqNetPacketCfg *config);
  Required Header: stdmei.h


meiSynqNetPacketConfigGet reads the current network packet configuration for all nodes found on the network to the location pointed to by config.

This method is useful for viewing the current network packed data being sent across the network. It is used in conjunction with meiSynqNetPacketConfigSet(...). This method is also useful for optimizing network traffic (bandwith).

Only configurable packet data fields are configured by this method. Fixed packet fields are not application configurable.

synqNet a handle to a SynqNet object
*config pointer to configuation structure defined by MEISynqNetPacketCfg.
Return Values

See Also

meiSynqNetPacketConfigSet | MEISynqNetPacketCfgNode


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