


A quantitative stability measurement is made when a bode test is run. The measurement is displayed quantitatively in the bottom right hand corner of the plotting window. The stability measurement is performed on both the measured (as you ran the test) open loop and the simulated (simulated response based on current tuning) open loop response. Keep in mind that the measured and simulated response are identical if you have not changed the control tuning since taking the measurement. When simulating control loop response, you can compare the stability of the measured vs. simulated response.

Stability Method (Traces -> Stability -> Stability)

Light blue - Measured open loop response

Dark blue - Simulated open loop response

A visual representation of the measurement is shown in the Nyquist plot when the Stability trace is shown. To show the Nyquist plot, make sure Traces -> Nyquist is checked. To see the stability measurement, make sure the Traces ->Stability is checked. The stability measurement is shown as a black arrow. The measured and simulated response will have separate arrows for their corresponding stability measurements (if different).

The length of the arrow is equal to the stability measurement value in the lower right of the plotting window.

Light blue - Measured open loop response

Dark blue - Simulated open loop response

The stability measurement is the distance between 0 dB, -180 degrees and the closest open loop response point. The 0 dB, -180 degree point represents an oscillator. In the example above, the stability measurement is 0.63.

The stability value ranges from 0 on up (x > 0). However, a realistic upper limit value of 1 would be normal. A stability measurement of 0 would represent an extremely unstable system. A stability measurement of 1 would represent an extremely stable system. It is not uncommon for customers to end up with a stability figure in the range of 0.3 - 0.5 after all tuning if finalized.

NOTE: The stability measurement is calculated off of the nearest open loop response point. No interpolation between points is performed for this measurement.

Gain and Phase Margin Method
(Traces -> Stability -> Gain / Phase Margin)

The gain and phase margins are commonly used in controls to quantitatively determine how stable a system is. The gain and phase margin are separate measures of the stability of a system that gives two somewhat related stability measures. Gain and phase margins are only calculated based on the open loop system response. Gain and phase margin are not valid measures on the closed loop response.

Gain and phase margin measurements serve two purposes: 1) They ensure that your system is sufficiently damped and stable, reducing overshoot, ringing, and other bad behaviors and 2) They ensure your system is stable enough to deal with any unknowns in the system, such as different motors on the production line having slightly different performance.

Gain Margin

The gain margin of a system is the amount the amplitude response is below 0 dB at the frequency the phase crosses -180 degrees. This can happen more than once. The easiest way to deal with multiple gain margin measurements is to concentrate on the worst one (smallest gain margin). The bode tool does this automatically for you. It will show all gain margin measurements with a dot and show the worst with a dot and dotted line. If the gain margin that the bode tool chooses is not to your liking, you can put the cursor on an alternate gain margin and use the cursor measurement to measure the gain margin. Gain margin values are shown in the lower left of the screen for both measured and simulated data. These concepts are shown below.

For more detail on how to understand gain and phase margins, look here under Gain and Phase Margins.

Phase Margin

Phase margin of a system is the amount that the phase of a system is in excess of -180 degrees at the frequency where the open loop amplitude crosses 0 dB. This can happen more than once. The easiest way to deal with multiple phase margin measurements is to concentrate on the worst one (smallest phase margin). The bode tool does this automatically for you. It will show all phase margin measurements with a dot and show the worst with a dot and dotted line. If the phase margin that the bode tool chooses is not to your liking, you can put the cursor on an alternate phase margin and use the cursor measurement to measure the phase margin. Phase margin values are shown in the lower left of the screen for both measured and simulated data. These concepts are shown below.

Gain Margin vs. Phase Margin

Gain margin is no better or worse than phase margin. They are used together to describe a system. Many people want to use one or the other, but that will lead to disappointment on the strange case where gain margin looks good, but phase margin looks bad or vice versa.

Recommended Values of Gain and Phase Margin

A normal system would do well with a minimum of 12 dB gain margin and 45 degrees of phase margin. If your system were very repeatible in perfomance, you may be able to deal with slightly less gain and phase margin. If your system had to tolerate motion components with poor tolerances, you may want more gain and phase margins.

A single system tuned with different parameters shows the difference that accompanies varying phase margin. Phase margin examples of 20 - 60 degrees are shown below. Note the brown (closed loop response) trace and how it gets a peak when the phase margin is reduced. Also note that the gain and phase margins are measured from the blue (open loop response) trace.

60 Degrees Phase Margin

45 Degrees Phase Margin

30 Degrees Phase Margin

20 Degrees Phase Margin

Gain and Phase Margin Measurement vs. Stability Measurement

Gain and phase margin:


Gain and Phase margins are the most common way to specify or measure stability of a system. This means that if you specify stability in gain margin in dB and phase margin in degrees, you have a very high chance of being able to communicate effectively with another controls engineer about stability anywhere in the world.


Gain and phase margin can miss critical resonances that don't occur near the 0 dB or -180 degree crossover frequencies.

Staiblity measure:


The stability measurement shown at the top of this page is very good at finding the worst frequency of instability in a system. It is an automated way of looking at the Nyquist plot, which is the most effective simple way of looking at stability. It will not miss resonances that are not near 0 dB or -180 degrees.


The stability measurement shown at the top of this page is much less common than gain and phase margin. This makes communicating with other controls engineers about stability more difficult.


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