MPI 04.00 Reference >> mpiMotion



     mpiMotionPTBeginMove(MPIMotion                      motion,
                          int32_t                           pointsCount,
                          const MPIMotionPTPoint         point[],
                          MPIMotionPathAttrMask          mask,
                          const MPIMotionPathAttributes  *attributes);


Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Added in 04.00.


mpiMotionPTBeginMove begins a streaming point move that will have additional points added to it later. It must eventually be followed by a call to mpiMotionPTContinueMove() with a complete value of TRUE.

motion The Motion object to use.
pointCount The length of the points array.
point An array of multi-dimensional points for the motion to pass through with associated time values. For more information, see MPIMotionPTPoint.
mask A bit-mask composed of MPIMotionPathAttrMasks ORed together. Each bit enables the corresponding attribute.
attributes A pointer to additional data needed for certain mask values.

Return Values

Return Values