


typedef struct MEIMotorEncoderSsiConfig {
MEIMotorSsiInput input;
long bitCount;
long baudRate; /* units = hertz */
MPI_BOOL brokenWireEnable;
} MEIMotorEncoderSsiConfig;
  Required Header: stdmei.h
Change History: Added in the 03.04.00


MEIMotorEncoderSsiConfig contains configurations for SSI (Synchronous-Serial Interface) feedback devices. Use this structure to configure the SSI when the MEIMotorEncoderType is configured for MEIMotorEncoderTypeSSI. Be sure to verify that the SynqNet node FPGA supports SSI feedback devices. See the Node FPGA Images: Features Table.


Source pin for the serial input from the SSI feedback device.


Resolution in bits for the SSI feedback device. The valid range is 1 to 27 bits.


Serial communication rate in bits per second. The valid range is 10000 to 500000.


Enable (TRUE) or disable (FALSE) broken wire detection.

Sample Code

Configure the motor’s primary feedback for an RMB by using motor I/O index 0 (MEIMotorIoConfigIndex0) to drive the clock output at 500 kHz. The serial input is decoded via the encoder input channel A (MEIMotorSsiInputENC_A).

returnValue = 
 /* Configure the IO to output the SSI Clock */
   motorConfig.Io[MEIMotorIoConfigIndex0}.Type = MEIMotorIoTypeSSI_CLOCK0;
   /* Configure the primary feedback for SSI */
   motorConfig.Encoder[0].type = MEIMotorEncoderTypeSSI;
   motorConfig.Encoder[0].ssiConfig.baudRate = 500000; /* 500 KHZ */
   motorConfig.Encoder[0].ssiConfig.bitCount = 13;
   motorConfig.Encoder[0].ssiConfig.input = MEIMotorSsiInputENC_A;
   motorConfig.Encoder[0].ssiConfig.brokenWireEnable = TRUE;
returnValue = 

For other SSI compatible SynqNet devices, I/O configuration is located in Motion Console under the I/O Summary > Motor I/O tab. The I/O configuration for SqDC4 is shown below. SSI CLOCK (MEIMotorIoConfigIndex1) is used to drive the clock output and the serial input is decoded via SSI DATA (MEIMotorSsiInputGPIO_2).

See Also

MEIMotorSsiInput | MEIMotorEncoderType | mpiMotorConfigSet | mpiMotorConfigGet

Sample Application


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