
MechaWare Release Notes 04.00.04

MechaWare Version
MPI Version
Release Date
Production Release
Production Release
Production Release
Production Release

Installation Note: The MPI 4.0 library must be installed before installing MechaWare. For more information about instructions on installing the MPI Library, see Installing the Motion Development Kit (MDK).

System Requirements
Important Things to Know - This section highlights important changes for this release!
Software Installation Instructions

  Table of Contents
    New Features
      For information about new features, see Important Things to Know.
    General Changes

Currently no general changes.

    Fixed Bugs

Version 04.00.01
    mdl2mw Check Filter Coeff Indices - MW39
    MATLAB Utilities Not Checking for Valid Ts Parameter - MW40
    BiQuad Lookup Interpolation - MW43

    Open Issues

Existing Bugs

Currently no existing bugs.



Currently no known limitations.


General Changes

Version 04.00.01

Currently no general changes.

Fixed Bugs

Version 04.00.01

  mdl2mw Check Filter Coeff Indices
    Reference Number: MW39
    Type: Fixed Bug
    Version: 04.00.01


A biquad file with duplicate Coeff indices loads coeffs more than once, replacing the first and leaving undefined values.

The problem was caused because the Coeff indices were never checked for duplicates.



The file parsing routine checks for duplicates. If a duplicate index is found, the parsing routine returns MPIMechaWareMessageBIQ_FILE_INVALID and mdl2mw exits.

  MATLAB Utilities Not Checking for Valid Ts Parameter
    Reference Number: MW40
    Type: Fixed Bug
    Version: 04.00.01


MATLAB utilities in C:\MEI\MechaWare\Matlab\v14\Utilities do not check whether Ts parameter is valid.

The problem is caused when a value larger than 0.001 is specified and no error message is returned.



MATLAB utilities now verify if Ts parameter is valid. If a value larger than 0.001 is specified, an error message is returned.

  BiQuad Lookup Interpolation
    Reference Number: MW43
    Type: Fixed Bug
    Version: 04.00.01


The biquad lookup algorithm for Fixed Lookup types extrapolated the coefficients when the input was below the minimum value or above the maximum value (min + # of biquads * delta).



The problem was corrected by limiting the input to the range of the lookup.

Open Issues

Existing Bugs

Currently no existing bugs.


Currently no known limitations.


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