
NV Parameters (read/write)

The following parameters are valid for the AC and DC base units.

NOTE: Certain parameters are supported / not supported over SynqNet.

ARF0 Dinp3Pol I2TTrip
ARF1 Dinp4Pol ILmtPlus
AuxFBDivisor* DM1 Map ILmtMinus
AuxFBType* DM2 Map ITMode
BatFDis DPoles KIP
CmdF0 EncOut KPP**
CmdGain EnInhibitCCW** KVFF**
CmdOffset EnInhibitCW** KVI
CmdSrc FBSrc* KVP
Command** FltDiag OpMode**
CommMode GearIn** PosCmdSrc**
CommOff GearOut** SelSFDParam
Dinp1Pol HSInp1Pol SFDSpan
Dinp2Pol I2TF0 SWClrFlt
*  Supported over SynqNet      
** Not Supported over SynqNet

ARF0           1.518 96382 Hz
ARF1           1.518 96382 Hz

    See Loop Gains tab in S200 Tools.
ARF0 and ARF1 set the break frequency in Hz for the two single-pole anti-resonance low pass filters in the forward path of the velocity loop. They are used to help accommodate mechanical resonance in the system introduced by the load connected to the motor. See the Control Block Diagram for more information.

AuxFBDivisor           1 to 2,147,483,647
Supported over SynqNet.
    See SynqNet Options tab in S200 Tools.
This parameter is the divisor used to scale the raw incremental encoder counts or the Sin-Cos encoder interpolated counts from the Aux Feedback interface to the Aux position word. If the Aux Feedback device is used only for controller feedback then this parameter may be set to any value convenient for the application. If the Aux Feedback device is used to commutate the motor then it must be set to a specific value. For rotary motor commutation, this scaling converts the Aux Feedback position word to a word with 24 bits per revolution. For linear motor commutation, it converts to 24 bits per motor magnetic pole pitch distance. The table below lists a number of commonly desired settings for AuxFBDivisor.

Incremental (A quad B) encoder
No motor commutation, 1 encoder quadrature count = 1 Aux Feedback count: AuxFBDivisor = 224 = 16,777,216
Commutating a rotary motor or 24 bits per revolution: AuxFBDivisor = number of quadrature counts per mechanical revolution
Commutating a linear motor or 24 bits per magnetic pole pitch: AuxFBDivisor = number of quadrature counts per magnetic pole pitch

1 Vp-p Sin-Cos
No motor commutation, 1 16 bit interpolated lsb = 1 Aux Feedback count: AuxFBDivisor = 28 = 256
Commutating a rotary motor or 24 bits per revolution: AuxFBDivisor = number of Sin-Cos cycles per mechanical revolution
Commutating a linear motor or 24 bits per magnetic pole pitch: AuxFBDivisor = number of Sin-Cos cycles per magnetic pole pitch

AuxFBType           Type
Supported over SynqNet.
    See SynqNet Options tab in S200 Tools.
This parameter selects the type of feedback wired to the AuxFB connector. It is a combination of the following single bit parameters:
       AFBHallDis, AFBDivisorSrc, AFBEnDatEnb, and AFBFBSrc.
The following table defines the state of these parameters for each supported feedback device.

Incremental A Quad B
Incremental A Quad B with Halls
1 Vp-p Sin-Cos Incremental
1 Vp-p Sin-Cos Inc. with Halls
EnDat 2.1

See AuxFBDivisor to complete the setup of the Aux Feedback interface.

BatFDis           Enable/Disable
    See General Info tab in S200 Tools.
This parameter enables or disables the Battery Low fault. The Battery input on the command I/O connector is an optional feature and is not required for proper operation of the drive. It is only required if the battery backup of the multi-turn information is required from the SFD. If the feedback device is not an SFD, then the battery does nothing.
     0 - Enable Battery Fault
     1 - Disable Battery Fault

CmdF0            1.518 – 93254 Hz
    See Command Control tab in S200 Tools.
CmdF0 sets the break frequency in Hz for two cascaded single pole low pass filters on the hardware command input. There are two ranges of values for CmdF0; from 2915 to 24873 Hz cannot be set. The lower range is the active range suggested for velocity control and the upper range is used to effectively turn the filter off for velocity control or for use with torque/current control. This parameter is particularly useful when CmdSrc selects the PWM input for the command source. CmdF0 should be less than the input PWM frequency divided by 10 and preferably divided by 50 or more. See the Control Block Diagram for more information.

For SynqNet, see MEIMotorDacChannelConfig (Scale).
    See Command Control tab in S200 Tools.
CmdGain sets the scale factor from the user input on the Command I/O connector (J4) to the internal servo loop command. CmdGain can be negative or positive, which allows the direction polarity to be changed. Because the input to the command processing block can be an analog voltage or a digital duty cycle and the servo loop could be Torque/Current or velocity there are four combinations of units listed below. See CmdSrc and OpMode for these settings. See CmdOffset for adding an offset to the command.
Expressed as an equation:
       CmdIn = [(User Input) – CmdOffset] * CmdGain

NOTE: The Range of CmdGain is clipped by the value of CmdOffset. The chart below gives CmdGain units and numerical range assuming that CmdOffset is 0 V/50%.

CmdGain Units
+/- CmdGain Range
Analog Torque/Current ARMS/V DIpeak * 0.5275/V
Analog Velocity krpm/V 5.700 kRPM/V
PWM Torque/Current ARMS/% DIpeak * 0.1356/%
PWM Velocity krpm/% 1.465 kRPM/%

CmdOffset           Volts or Percent
For SynqNet, see MEIMotorDacChannelConfig (Offset).
    See Command Control tab in S200 Tools.
CmdOffset is added to the user input on the Command I/O connector J4 to allow any constant offset present in the source to be cancelled. Because the input to the command processing block can be an analog voltage or a digital duty cycle, there are two possible units. See CmdSrc for this setting and CmdGain for scaling the gain of the input command.
Expressed as an equation:
       CmdIn = [(User Input) – CmdOffset] * CmdGain

NOTE: The range and resolution of CmdOffset is affected by the value of CmdGain. Its range covers the entire range of CmdIn.

CmdSrc            Analog, PWM CMD, or Command Variable
    See Control Mode tab in S200 Tools.
CmdSrc selects the source of the command. It selects between using the command I/O connector analog input or PWM CMD digital input or the serial command parameter.
       00 - Analog input sets command (default).
       01 - PWM input sets command.
       10 - Software Command Variable sets command (analog input Cmd proc).
       11 - Software Command Variable sets command (PWMCMD input Cmd proc).

Command            ± DIpeak or ± 18,310 rpm
Currently Not Supported over SynqNet.
    See Command Control tab in S200 Tools.
Sets the value of the command when CmdSrc is set to Command variable as opposed to the standard Analog or PWM CMD digital hardware inputs. The parameter units depend on whether the drive is in current or velocity control mode. When OpMode is set to Position, this variable is not used.

CommMode           SetupS2-2, SFD, 6-Step, Brush
    See Motor tab in S200 Tools.
Selects the commutation mode of the drive. The following table describes the different values for this parameter.

SetupS2-2 DIP switch S2 position 2 selects between 6-step and SFD commutation, feedback.
SFD Forces the drive to use SFD for feedback.
6-Step Forces the drive to use 6-step commutation.
Brush Forces 6-step commutation with CU, CV, CW = 1 1 0.

CommOff           ± 180 Degrees
    See Motor tab in S200 Tools.
Offsets the origin for the electrical commutation angle in degrees. Normally set to zero. Non-zero allows matching non-standard motors or systems.
       CommOff = (Commutation angle offset in Deg) * (2048/180).
WARNING: In 6-step mode, this parameter must be set to 0 for proper operation. See also CommMode.

Dinp1Pol           Invert or Normal
    See I/O Setting tab in S200 Tools.
This parameter selects the polarity of the Dinp1. When this parameter is set, the input to the FPGA is inverted before it is used by the logic. This parameter affects the sense of the enable I/O input. The following describes the different values for this parameter.
       0 - Normal
       1 - Invert

Dinp2Pol           Invert or Normal
    See I/O Setting tab in S200 Tools.
This parameter selects the polarity of the Dinp2. When this parameter is set, the input to the FPGA is inverted before it is used by the logic. This parameter affects the sense of the InhibitCW I/O input. The following describes the different values for this parameter.
       0 - Normal
       1 - Invert

Dinp3Pol           Invert or Normal
    See I/O Setting tab in S200 Tools.
This parameter selects the polarity of the Dinp3. When this parameter is set, the input to the FPGA is inverted before it is used by the logic. This parameter affects the sense of the InhibitCCW I/O input. The following describes the different values for this parameter.
       0 - Normal
       1 - Invert

Dinp4Pol           Invert or Normal
    See I/O Setting tab in S200 Tools.
This parameter selects the polarity of the Dinp4. When this parameter is set, the input to the FPGA is inverted before it is used by the logic. This parameter affects the sense of the MSInp1 I/O input. The following describes the different values for this parameter.
       0 - Normal
       1 - Invert

    See I/O Setting tab in S200 Tools.
Selects the variable sent to DACMon1, DACMon2 analog output pins on Command I/O connector J4. The DACMon1/2 output pins have a ± 2.0 V range centered around a 2.5 V bias, that is the output varies from 0.5 to 4.5 V and is 2.5 V when the selected DAC signal is zero.
NOTE: These DAC outputs are not clamped at maximum analog range. When the signal reaches maximum analog output, further signal increases cause it to wrap around to the opposite range extreme.


Parameter Value
VelErr 286 rpm/V Velocity error.
PosFB 0.25 rev/V Position big bits.
IdFB 0.8474 * DIpeak ARMS/V Non-torque current.
VelFB 2288 rpm/V Velocity little bits.
VelFB 9155 rpm/V Velocity big bits.
PosErr 0.0625 Rev/V Position loop position error.
VdCmd 134.5 * VBusScale/V Quadrature voltage command.
PosFB 244.1e-6 rev/V Position little bits.


Parameter Value
Velocity Mode
Parameter Value
Torque Mode
VBus 380*VBusScale V/V
Bus Voltage
CmdIn 9155 rpm/V
CmdIn 0.8474 * DIpeak / V
IFB 0.8474 * DIpeak/V
Torque Current
VelFB 1144 rpm/V
I2TFilt 0.7152 * (DIpeak2) A2/V
I*I*t filtered value
VU 812*VBusScale/V
U phase I-n voltage command
VqCmd 134.5 * VBusScale/V
Torque Voltage Command
ICMD 0.8474 * DIpeak ARMS/V
Torque Current Command

Model Dependent Scale Factors
Model User
Relative x
240 VAC 4.5 ARMS peak
240 VAC 4.5 ARMS peak
90 VDC 9 ARMS peak
240 VAC 9 ARMS peak
240 VAC 9 ARMS peak
90 VDC 18 ARMS peak

DPoles            0 - 62 Poles (even numbers only)
    See Motor tab in S200 Tools.
DPoles sets the drive for the appropriate motor pole count. Typically set to match the motor pole count. With a feedback device that has multiple cycles per revolution, DPoles is set to twice the ratio of motor electrical cycles to feedback device electrical cycles per revolution. Setting DPoles to zero turns electronic commutation off.
       Binary 0 = 0 Poles
       Binary 1 = 2 Poles
       Binary 31 = 62 Poles
WARNING: When the DPoles setting does not match the actual motor pole count, the motor's operation will be erratic and could be dangerous.

EncOut           128 to 32768 Lines
    See I/O Setting tab in S200 Tools.
Sets the J4-17 to J4-22 emulated encoder output signal’s line count (pulses per revolution) when the EMU setup rotary switch S1 on the base drive is set to position 0. All other settings for rotary switch S1 have fixed line counts. (EncOut * 4) = the number of quadrature counts per revolution.

Line Count
Line Count

EnInhibitCCW           On or Off
Not supported over SynqNet.
    See I/O Setting tab in S200 Tools.
Enables or disables the hardware input that prevents motion in the counter clockwise direction. When enabled and the hardware input is active, current/torque operation clamps the current command to 0 or positive/clockwise. With a velocity loop, function enabled, and the hardware input active, the velocity command is clamped to 0 or positive/clockwise. When both InhibitCCW and InhibitCW are enabled and both hardware inputs are active, the motion command is clamped to 0.
       0 - OFF
       1 - ON

EnInhibitCW           On or Off
Not supported over SynqNet.
    See I/O Setting tab in S200 Tools.
Enables or disables the hardware input that prevents motion in the clockwise direction. When enabled and the hardware input is active, current/torque operation clamps the current command to be 0 or negative/counter clockwise. With a velocity loop, function enabled, and the hardware input active the velocity command is clamped to be 0 or negative/counter clockwise. When both InhibitCCW and InhibitCW are enabled and both hardware inputs are active, the motion command is clamped to 0.
       0 - OFF
       1 - ON

FBSrc           Base Unit Feedback, Option Card Feedback
Supported over SynqNet.
    See SynqNet Options tab in S200 Tools.
When this bit is set to the Option Card Feedback position, it disables both the SFD and Hall feedback faults and device interfaces on the base unit. This bit also forces the feedback position word from the SFD to be zero. The drive is set for sine commutation. In this mode, writing to the CommOff parameter will change the motor position. This mode is used when an Option card is attached and the primary feedback device is a Comcoder.
       0 - Base Unit feedback device connected.
       1 - Option card feedback device connected.

FltDiag           Off or Diagnostic Blink Code
    See General Info tab in S200 Tools.
FltDiag selects between the DOUT1 (Fault) line being static low for no fault and static high for drive off and/or faulted, to low for no fault and toggle high low N number of times with the diagnostic LED fault blink code. The DOUT1 line output is still static high for drive off. See FaultCode entry for a chart giving the blink counts for each fault.
       0 - OFF (default)
       1 - Diagnostic Blink Code

GearIn           0 – 65535
Not supported over SynqNet.
GearIn is used to scale the input position command when configured as a position controller (OpMode = Position). This parameter is the divisor used to calculate the revs per step for the position mode. The formula for calculating motor shaft revs per input count is:
       [GearOut/GearIn]/256 = revs per input count
There is 1 input count per step input or per input quadrature count depending on the position command source selected by PosCmdSrc.
See Also: GearOut and OpMode.

GearOut            -32768 – +32767
Not supported over SynqNet.
GearOut is used to scale the input position command when configured as a position controller (OpMode = Position). This parameter is the dividend used to calculate the revs per step for the position mode. Typically, this parameter is 256, which allows GearIn to be numerically equal to the number of steps per rev. GearOut negative reverses the direction of motion for a given command. The formula for calculating motor shaft revs per input step is:
       [GearOut/GearIn]/256 = revs per input step
There is 1 input count per step input or per input quadrature count depending on the position command source selected by PosCmdSrc.
See Also: GearIn and OpMode.

HSInp1Pol           Invert or Normal
This parameter selects the polarity of the HSInp1. When this parameter is set, the input to the FPGA is inverted before it is used by the logic. This parameter affects the sense of the HSInp1 I/O input.

I2TF0           23.16e-6 – 1.470 Hz
    See Motor tab in S200 Tools.
I2TF0 sets the break frequency in Hz for the I2T filter used to protect the motor from transient thermal overload caused by very high peak currents compared to the motor’s continuous current capability. Typically set to between 4 and 10 times faster than the motor’s bulk thermal time constant published in the data sheet. Given a desired time constant, set the I2TF0 value to:
       I2TF0 = 1/[(2π)*(Motor Thermal Time Constant in sec)]

I2TTrip           0 to 1.19 DIpeak
    See Motor tab in S200 Tools.
I2TTrip sets the fault trip level for the I2T fault used to protect the motor from transient thermal overload caused by very high peak currents compared to the motor’s continuous current capability. It is typically set to be slightly larger than the motor’s continuous current capability. The motor’s thermal sensor provides protection against small overloads.

ILmtPlus/ILmtMinus           % of DIpeak
    See Command Control tab in S200 Tools.
IlmtPlus and ILmtMinus are the clockwise and counter-clockwise current limits, respectively. They set the maximum allowable torque current command in their respective directions. They are a percentage of the drive’s peak current rating DIpeak.

ITMode           Fault/Foldback
    See General Info tab in S200 Tools.
ITMode selects whether the drive faults on too much peak current for too long, i.e., excessive I*t, or folds the current limits back by clamping them to 67% (IFldBack) or less. If IlmtPlus and IlmtMinus are set to 67% or less, fold back has no effect. See FoldBack for related information.

KIP           79.226*VBusScale/DIpeak to 19014*VbusScale / DIpeak V / A
    See Loop Gains tab in S200 Tools.
KIP sets the proportional gain of the current loops. The bandwidth of the current loop in Hz is = KIP/(Motor l-l L)/(2π). See the Motor Current Control Specification section for recommended bandwidths.

KPP            0.379 – 93.99 Hz
Not supported over SynqNet.
KPP sets the proportional gain of the position loop in Hz. When OpMode = Position the net velocity command (VelCmd) in rad/sec is:
       VelCmd = KPP * (2π) * (PosErr) + KVFF/100 * d/dt(PosCmd)

KVFF           0 – 199 %
Not supported over SynqNet.
KVFF sets the feed forward gain from the derivative of the position command directly to the velocity command of the velocity loop and has the units of percent. When OpMode = Position the net velocity command (VelCmd) in rad/sec is:
       VelCmd = KPP*(2π)*(PosErr) + KVFF/100*d/dt(PosCmd)

KVI            0, 0.0238 – 753.9 Hz
    See Loop Gains tab in S200 Tools.
KVI adjusts the velocity loop integral compensation. It sets the break out frequency between predominantly integral compensation and predominantly proportional compensation. Higher KVI values give higher integral gain and shorter time constants. A value of below 0.19 Hz turns off KVI. There is no integral compensation only proportional from KVP. See the Control Block Diagram for more information.

KVP            221.0e-6*DIpeak to 25.09*DIpeak ARMS/rad/sec
    See Loop Gains tab in S200 Tools.
KVP sets the proportional gain of the velocity loop and has the units of ARMS/rad/sec. The idealized velocity loop bandwidth in Hz is KVP*KT/JTOT/(2π) where KT is the motor’s torque constant, JTOT is the total shaft inertia and the units of KT/JTOT should come out to rad/sec2/ARMS. See the Control Block Diagram for more information.

OpMode            Current, Velocity, SetupS2-1, Position
Not supported over SynqNet.
    See Control Mode tab in S200 Tools.
OpMode selects between current/torque, velocity, and position control modes or whether the SETUP1 hardware switch is used for selecting between current/torque or velocity operating mode.

Torque/Current Mode
Velocity Mode (default)
Setup DIP switch S2 position 1 (SetupS2-1 = 0 = Velocity).
Position Mode


PosCmdSrc           Step-Dir, AQuadB
Not supported over SynqNet.
    See Control Mode tab in S200 Tools.
PosCmdSrc selects the source of the position command. It selects between using Command I/O connector J4 optically isolated inputs for Step-Dir and the emulated encoder port used as an A quad B differential input. J4-10,11 and J4-5 for Step-Dir and J4-19,20 and J4-21,22 for A quad B inputs. See the Control Block Diagram for more information.
       0 - AQuadB
       1 - Step-Dir (default)

SelSFDParam           SFD or Drive
    See Control Mode tab in S200 Tools.
Determines whether the SFD motor parameters or drive setup values are used for the following parameters:

Velocity loop proportional gain.
Current loop proportional gain.
Drive poles.
Response speed for motor transient thermal protection.
Fault trip level for motor transient thermal protection.
Sets the drive maximum Iout based on motor Ipeak.
Sets the drive maximum Iout based on motor Ipeak.

       0 - Drive
       1 - SFD

SFDSpan           Span or No Span
    See General Info tab in S200 Tools.
Sets how the drive handles single sample communication errors with the SFD. Span interpolates SFD feedback position for isolated single sample communications errors. No Span faults the drive on any SFD communication error. Recommended (default) setting is Span.
       0 - No Span
       1 - Span

SWClrFault           Not Clear or Clear
This parameter will clear the fault logic.
       0 - Not Clear (default)
       1 - Clear

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