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Arc Cosine Mechaware API Documentation > Math
OverviewOverview Description The Arc Cosine block computes the inverse cosine of the input value. Its output is in Radians. The block is updated at the update rate, determined by the Evaluate Block. This block is often used in Inverse Kinematics where the commanded linear motion (such as linear millimeters) is on a rotary motor with arms. To compute the actual distance, trigonometry is helpful. Inputs and outputs for this block are as follows:
Configuration Configuration values for this block are as follows:
Matlab/SimulinkSimulink Interface
The block has two user data fields (User Data 0, User Data 1) to store application-specific data for convenient storage and retrieval. See User Data Storage for details. The block's update schedule is determined by the Evaluate Block. The following Parameter Dialog Box can be opened by double-clicking on the block in a Simulink Model: C++ APIACOSBlockDeclaration Public Method
Description The ACOS block computes the inverse cosine of the input. This block has no configurable parameters. Methods See AlsoSine | Cosine | Arc Sine | Arc Tangent | Arc Tangent 2
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