

MPICommand mpiSequenceCommand(MPISequence sequence,
                              int32_t        index) 


Required Header: stdmpi.h


mpiSequenceCommand returns the element at the position on the list indicated by index.

NOTE: The maximum number of sequence commands that can exist on a controller, from all sequence objects, at one time is defined by MPIXmpCmdBuffSize in xmp.h.

sequence a handle to the Sequence object.
index a position in the list.
Return Values
handle to the indexth Command of a Sequence (sequence)
MPIHandleVOID if sequence is invalid
if index is less than 0
if index is greater than or equal to mpiSequenceCount(sequence)
MPIMessageARG_INVALID if index is a negative number.
MPIListMessageELEMENT_NOT_FOUND if index is greater than or equal to the number of elements in the list.
MPIMessageHANDLE_INVALID if sequence is an invalid handle.