MPI 04.00 Reference >> mpiMotor
typedef enum { MPIMotorFeedbackFaultINVALID = -1, MPIMotorFeedbackFaultPRIMARY, MPIMotorFeedbackFaultSECONDARY, MPIMotorFeedbackFaultPRIMARY_OR_SECONDARY, MPIMotorFeedbackFaultEND, MPIMotorFeedbackFaultFIRST = MPIMotorFeedbackFaultINVALID + 1 } MPIMotorFeedbackFault;
Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Modified in 04.00.
MPIMotorFeedbackFault is an enumeration of encoder fault sources for motor encoder fault events. Each motor object supports a primary and secondary encoder. The hardware may or may not support a secondary encoder.
MPIMotorEncoderFaultPRIMARY | Sets the Motor Event (Encoder Fault) to trigger from the primary encoder. |
MPIMotorEncoderFaultSECONDARY | Sets the Motor Event (Encoder Fault) to trigger from the secondary encoder. |
MPIMotorEncoderFaultPRIMARY_OR_SECONDARY | Sets the Motor Event (Encoder Fault) to trigger from either the primary or secondary encoder. |
See Also
MPIMotorLimitConfig | MPIMotorLimitTrigger