
MPIRecorderRecord / MEIRecorderRecord

Definition: MPIRecorderRecord

typedef union {
   MPIRecorderRecordPoint  point[MPIRecorderADDRESS_COUNT_MAX];
} MPIRecorderRecord;


point An array of recorded values corresponding to the XMP addresses stored in MPIRecorderConfig.address[].


Definition: MEIRecorderRecord

typedef union {
    MEIRecorderRecordAxis     axis[MEIXmpMAX_Axes];
    MEIRecorderRecordFilter   filter[MEIXmpMAX_Filters];
    MPIRecorderRecord         dummy;  /* ensure proper sizing */
} MEIRecorderRecord;


axis An array of MEIRecorderRecordAxis records.
filter An array of MEIRecorderRecordFilter records.
dummy A dummy structure that ensures that MEIRecorderRecord has the proper size.

See Also



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