


typedef struct MPIProbeConfig {
    MPI_BOOL        enable;        /* TRUE/FALSE */
    MPIProbeSource  source;
    MPIProbeData    data;
    MPI_BOOL        inputFilter;   /* TRUE/FALSE */
} MPIProbeConfig;
  Change History: Modified in the 03.03.00


MPIProbeConfig specifies the Probe's configuration.

enable Enables or disables the Probe triggering. A value of TRUE enables the Probe triggering, FALSE disables Probe triggering.
source An enumerated Probe trigger source input. A Probe can be configured to trigger from one input source.
data An enumerated Probe data type. A probe can be configured to collect position or time data from a motor's feedback.

Enables or disables the source input filtering. The hardware Probe engine has a 4 state digital filter to eliminate noise on the input signal. When enabled, the Probe will not trigger until the input signal is stable for 4 clock periods.

For example, the MEI-RMB clock is 25Mhz. When the inputFilter is enabled, the input signal must transition to and remain at either a high or low state for 160 nanoseconds to trigger the Probe.

Sample Code

   This Function configures a Probe that has already been created. 
   Pass in the Probe Object, Probe Trigger Source, Probe Data Type 
   (Position or Time Capture Mode), and whether or not to use the 
   input Filter.

long configProbe(MPIProbe           probe, 
                 MPIProbeSource     source, 
                 MPIProbeData       dataType, 
                 bool               inputFilter
  MPIProbeConfig  probeConfig;
long returnValue; returnValue = mpiProbeConfigGet(probe, &probeConfig, NULL);
if(returnValue != MPIMessageOK)
return returnValue;
} probeConfig.enable = TRUE;
probeConfig.source = source;
probeConfig.data = dataType;
probeConfig.inputFilter = inputFilter; //TRUE = high for > 4 samples, FALSE = no filter returnValue = mpiProbeConfigSet(probe, &probeConfig, NULL); return returnValue;

See Also

meiProbeConfigGet | meiProbeConfigSet


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