


long mpiProbeConfigSet(MPIProbe        probe,
                       MPIProbeConfig  *config,
                       void            *external);
  Required Header: stdmpi.h


mpiProbeConfigSet sets a Probe's configuration using data from the structure pointed to by config, and also using data from the implementation specific structure pointed to by external (if external is not NULL).


external is reserved for future functionality and should be set to NULL.

probe a handle to a Probe object.
*config a pointer to a Probe configuration structure.
*external a pointer to an implementation specific structure.
is reserved for future functionality and should be set to NULL.
Return Values

Sample Code

   This Function configures a Probe that has already been created. 
   Pass in the Probe Object, Probe Trigger Source, Probe Data Type 
   (Position or Time Capture Mode), and whether or not to use the 
   input Filter.

long configProbe(MPIProbe           probe, 
                 MPIProbeSource     source, 
                 MPIProbeData       dataType, 
                 bool               inputFilter
  MPIProbeConfig  probeConfig;
long returnValue; returnValue = mpiProbeConfigGet(probe, &probeConfig, NULL);
if(returnValue != MPIMessageOK)
return returnValue;
} probeConfig.enable = TRUE;
probeConfig.source = source;
probeConfig.data = dataType;
probeConfig.inputFilter = inputFilter; //TRUE = high for > 4 samples, FALSE = no filter returnValue = mpiProbeConfigSet(probe, &probeConfig, NULL); return returnValue;

See Also



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