


typedef	struct MPIPathElement {
   MPIPathElementType    type;
   long                  blending;
   union {
     MPIPathArc          arc;
     MPIPathArcCenter    arcCenter;
     MPIPathArcEndPoint  arcEndPoint;
     MPIPathLine         line;
} params;

     MPIPathElementAttributes    attributes;
} MPIPathElement;


type This value defines the type of path element. Please see MPIPathElementType data type documentation for more information.
blending This value determines whether the corners of the path are rounded or sharp. When set to TRUE, blending is enabled, causing rounded corners. When set to FALSE, blending is disabled, causing sharp corners.
arc This structure defines the arc's start angle, included angle, and radius. This structure is used when the type is MPIPathElementTypeARC. Please see MPIPathArc data type documentation for more information.
arcCenter This structure defines the arc's center and angle. This structure is used when the type is MPIPathElementTypeARC_CENTER. Please see MPIPathArcCenter data type documentation for more information.
arcEndPoint This structure defines the arc's center, end point, and direction. This structure is used when the type is MPIPathElementTypeARC_END_POINT. Please see MPIPathArcEndPoint data type documentation for more information.
line This structure defines the coordinates for a linear element. This structure is used when the type is MPIPathElementTypeLINE. Please see MPIPathLine data type documentation for more information.
attributes This structure defines the attributes for a path element. Please see MPIPathElementAttributes data type documentation for more information.

See Also



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