


typedef struct MPIPathElementAttributes {
    long    id;              /* MPIPathAttrID           */
    double  velocity;        /* MPIPathAttrVELOCITY     */
    double  acceleration;    /* MPIPathAttrACCELERATION */
    double  timeSlice;       /* MPIPathAttrTIMESLICE    */
} MPIPathElementAttributes;


In MPIPathElementAttributes, the path attributes define the parameters to be used when specific features are enabled with the path element attribute masks. When using these attributes, be sure to enable the feature with the appropriate MPIPathElementAttrMask{.}.


This value defines an identification number to be stored in the path element. During path profile execution, at the start of each element the controller loads the id into the axis' ElementID field. The application can query the controller's axis memory to monitor the path element execution. The id is limited to 16-bit resolution by the controller firmware.

velocity This value defines the velocity for the path element.
acceleration This value defines the acceleration for the path element.
timeSlice This value defines the time between interpolation points for the path element. The practical range for the time slice is from 10 msec (.01) to 100 msec (.1). Larger time slice values produce smoother (lower acceleration), less accurate paths. Smaller time slice values produce more accurate (both position and velocity) paths with higher peak accelerations.

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