


typedef struct MPIPathArcEndPoint {
   MPIPathPoint       center;
   MPIPathPoint       endPoint;
   MPIPathDirection   direction;
} MPIPathArcEndPoint;


MPIPathArcEndPoint specifies the parameters for an arc path element. It supports 2 dimensional arcs only. All arcs start at the end position for the last path element added to the path or the present command position if the arc is the first element in the path.

center This structure defines the coordinates for the center point of the arc. Please see MPIPathPoint data type documentation for more information.
endPoint This structure defines the coordinates for the final point of the arc. Please see MPIPathPoint data type documentation for more information.
direction This value defines the travel direction, counter-clockwise or clockwise. Please see MPIPathDirection data type documentation for more information.

See Also

MPIPathElement | MPIPathParams | MPIPathDirection


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