EventMgr Objects


An EventMgr object manages the collection and distribution of event messages from the controller to the host. Events include normal motion completion, motor limits, fault conditions, data recorder buffer full, network node faults, etc. The EventNotify methods enable the application to request host notification for specified events, while ignoring other events. The EventMgr receives the event and then distributes the event via the Notify object to the tasks that are waiting for the event. Events that are faults are latched; the fault condition and the event must be cleared before the event can be generated again.

To collect events, the EventMgr must be serviced via the mpiEventMgrService(...) routine. The EventMgr can be polled by periodically by calling the mpiEventMgrService(...) routine or can be placed in an interrupt service routine. For your convenience, there is an apputil module that provides a serviceCreate(...) function that creates an EventMgr service routine for Windows OSs. The Service thread can be configured for polling or interrupts. Sources for the apputil module are included with the software distribution, so you can port it to other OSs.

The controller has a circular buffer which holds up to 128 event messages. If the EventMgr is not serviced within 128 events, event messages will be overwritten as new events occur. For interrupt driven EventMgr service threads, this is not an issue. For a polling EventMgr service thread, this could be an issue if the service thread does not have enough CPU cycles. In the worst-case scenario, events could be lost.

The best way to avoid lost events is to use an interrupt driven EventMgr service routine. If you're using polling, the next best thing is to make sure the EventMgr services the events at a high enough rate to avoid controller message buffer rollover. Determining the worst case EventMgr service latency and the maximum event message rate can be tricky. A simple method is to estimate the event message frequency and make sure each EventMgr can poll at least once for every 32 events (safety factor of 4). If you know that some events occur more frequently than others, then you may want to increase the polling frequency for EventMgrs that process the most frequent events and decrease the polling frequency for EventMgrs that process less frequently.

Generally, use only one EventMgr in your application. Do not use multiple interrupt driven EventMgr service threads to collect the same event. Suppose you configure an EventMgr to service Motion Done events from MS 0 and you configure another EventMgr with MEIEventMgrServiceConfig.allProcesses = TRUE. If one EventMgr collects the event message and acknowledges the interrupt before the other EventMgr can respond, it will miss the event.

If you want to monitor ALL events with MEIEventMgrServiceConfig.allProcesses = TRUE, then use polling (not interrupts). See the sample app EventLog.c for an example.

Resetting the motion controller will cause any exising EventMgr objects to become unsynchronized with the motion controller, causing it to miss events. It is recommended that after a controller reset, an application should delete and re-create the EventMgr and Service objects. Then the application should reconnect all Notify objects to the EventMgr and re-enable event reporting by calling ObjectEventNotifySet.

| Error Messages |


Create, Delete, Validate Methods
  mpiEventMgrCreate Create EventMgr object
  mpiEventMgrDelete Delete EventMgr object
  mpiEventMgrValidate Validate EventMgr object

Configuration and Information Methods
  mpiEventMgrConfigGet Get EventMgr config
  mpiEventMgrConfigSet Set EventMgr config
  mpiEventMgrEvent Request event notification for all Notify objects on EventMgr's list
  meiEventMgrServiceConfigGet Get processes that EventMgr will service
  meiEventMgrServiceConfigSet Set processes that EventMgr will service

Action Methods
  mpiEventMgrFlush Flush pending EventMgr events
  mpiEventMgrService Get list of all pending asynchronous events

Relational Methods
  List Methods- for Control Objects
  mpiEventMgrControl Return handle of indexth Control object in list
  mpiEventMgrControlAppend Append Control's handle to list
  mpiEventMgrControlCount Count the number of Control objects associated with EventMgr (in list)
  mpiEventMgrControlFirst Return handle to first Control object in list
  mpiEventMgrControlIndex Return the index of a Control object in list
  mpiEventMgrControlInsert Insert Control handle into list
  mpiEventMgrControlLast Get handle to last Control object in list
  mpiEventMgrControlListGet Get list of Control objects associated with EventMgr
  mpiEventMgrControlListSet Create a list of Control objects associated with EventMgr
  mpiEventMgrControlNext Get handle to next Control object in list
  mpiEventMgrControlPrevious Get handle to previous Control object in list
  mpiEventMgrControlRemove Remove a Control object's handle from list
  List Methods- for Notify Objects
  mpiEventMgrNotify Return handle to a Notify object associated with EventMgr
  mpiEventMgrNotifyAppend Append Notify object to list
  mpiEventMgrNotifyCount Return number of Notify objects in list
  mpiEventMgrNotifyFirst Get first Notify object in list
  mpiEventMgrNotifyIndex Get index value for a Notify object in list
  mpiEventMgrNotifyInsert Place a Notify object after another Notify object in list
  mpiEventMgrNotifyLast Get handle to the Notify object that is last on the list
  mpiEventMgrNotifyListGet Get a list of Notify objects
  mpiEventMgrNotifyListSet Create a list of Notify objects
  mpiEventMgrNotifyNext Get the Notify object just after notify in list
  mpiEventMgrNotifyPrevious Get the Notify object just before notify in list
  mpiEventMgrNotifyRemove Remove a Notify object from list


Data Types
