


MPIControl mpiEventMgrControlNext(MPIEventMgr  eventMgr,
                                  MPIControl   control)

Required Header: stdmpi.h


mpiEventMgrControlNext returns the next element following "control" on the list. MPIHandleVOID is returned if "control" is the last element on the list, or if "control" is not in the list at all. This function can be used in conjuntion with mpiEventMgrControlFirst() in order to iterate through the list.

eventMgr a handle to the EventMgr object.
control a handle to a Control object.
Return Values
handle to the motion controller following control in the list of motion controllers associated with an EventMgr (eventMgr)
MPIHandleVOID if eventMgr is invalid
if control is the last motion controller

See Also



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