


MPINotify mpiEventMgrNotifyPrevious(MPIEventMgr eventMgr,
                                    MPINotify   notify)

Required Header: stdmpi.h


mpiEventMgrNotifyPrevious returns the previous element prior to notify on the list. This function can be used in conjuntion with mpiEventMgrNotifyLast(...) in order to iterate through the list backwards.

eventMgr a handle to the EventMgr object.
notify a handle to a Notify object.
Return Values
handle to the Notify object just before another Notify object (notify) in the list (of Notify objects) maintained by an EventMgr (eventMgr)
MPIHandleVOID if eventMgr is invalid
if notify is the first Notify object in the list
MPIMessageHANDLE_INVALID either eventMgr or notify is an invalid handle

See Also

mpiEventMgrNotifyNext | mpiEventMgrNotifyLast


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