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How to Maximize Count RateBy default, a digital filter is applied to each encoder input. This digital filter requires that an encoder input (channel A+, A-, B+, B-) be stable for 4 clock cycles (160 nanoseconds) before a transition is recognized. Encoder input states lasting less than 4 clock cycles are filtered out. This means that the absolute maximum encoder rate is 12.5 million counts/sec (12.5MHz) when digital filtering is enabled. For maximum count rate, the encoder filter should be disabled. Setting the FilterDisable bit in the feedbackQuadrature configuration register will allow a maximum of 50 MHz for FPGA versions x0400 and later (FPGA versions x0346 and prior have a maximum of 25 MHz). The digital filters can be turned off from Motion Console. Set the Primary Encoder Filter to disable under the Motor Summary window, Config tab. A separate control is provided for the Secondary Encoder Filter.
MPIThe encoder filter can be controlled via MPIMotorEncoder.
Sample Application - countRate.cFor an example of changing the encoder filter with service commands, see countRate.c. This program will allow you to maximize or minimize the encoder rate by specifying '-countrate max' or '-countrate min' in the command line.
Configuring the FilterDisable bitConfiguring the FilterDisable bit can also be done using the Service Command utility. For Motor 0 For Motor 1 For Motor 2 For Motor 3 NOTE: The RMB-10V2 only has 1 secondary encoder. See the RMB-10V2 FPGA Table for details. The screenshot below is an example of maximizing the encoder rate on motor 0. NOTE: The first command would read address 0x020000 (motor 0). Be sure to keep the other bit configurations when you disable the filter bit (by writing 0x2).
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