

Command Line Syntax

The meiConfig utility is located in the Win32 directory of your MPI installation path. The command-line syntax is as follows:

meiConfig [-control #] [-server address] [-port #] [-ram | -flash]
          [-get] [-set] [-filter filterFile] [-noTopoCheck] [-quiet]
          [-elemCopy srcObject,targetObjectList]
          [-elemRemove objectList]
          [-map mapFile] [-version]
          [-transform outFile] [-mods]
          [-meiDir meiInstallDir]


Controller number (default = 0).


Name or IP address of the host running server.exe.

-port TCP/IP port on the host computer (default = 3300).
-ram Get/Set the controller's volatile memory (default).

This option is not valid in conjunction with the -get option.

With the -set option, save configuration to non-volatile memory as well as volatile memory. For objects that have no representation in flash, configuration will be set only to RAM.

See Appendix A to see which objects are not represented in flash memory.

-map mapFile Use the specified mapFile when translating firmware addresses to/from text.

NOTE: Normally, it is not necessary to specify a mapFile. meiConfig will usually find the correct mapFile by itself.

The default input map file is named ZMP###.map where ### is the firmware version number for which the meiConfig utility was built. It is installed into the controller directory of your MPI installation path.

meiConfig will search for the map file in the directory in which the config utility was executed, the current directory, and the directories in the PATH environment variable.

-version Display version information.
-quiet Do not print warning messages
-filter filterFile Specify a filter file, which is used to filter out elements from being saved/restored. The file meiConfigFilter.txt is the default filter file. See Filter Files for details.
-noTopoCheck Do not verify that the network topology saved in the file is the same as the actual topology when writing the configuration file to the controller.
-get Get configuration from controller volatile memory, and save to fileName. If fileName is not specified, output will go to stdout.
-set Load configuration from fileName to controller volatile memory. If the -flash option is specified, then the non-volatile memory will also be set for objects that are represented in flash. If fileName is not specified, the configuration will be read from stdin.
-mods Display modifications when downloading a file. All configuration elements that are modified from their current state on the controller will be dislplayed with the following format:

       MODIFIED: <Path>
       Old value: "value prior to download"
       New value: "value after download"

For example,
       MODIFIED: Control 0.MPIControlConfig.axisCount
       Old value: "8"
       New value: "4"

-getMinimum Creates smaller configuration files by omitting unused elements. The resulting config file is suitable to be loaded as-is, but may not be suitable for editing due to missing elements.
fileName Path/filename for a configuration file.

The following options are related to configuration file transformation. Minor transformations can be made to the configuration file before it is downloaded to the controller. The following transformations are possible:

  1. Copy one element (the source object) to one or more targets. If the target already exists, then it will be over-written with the source object.
  2. Remove an element. The object is removed after all copies are made. Moving an element from one location to another is accomplished by copying the element and then removing the original.

NOTE: Multiple transformations can be specified on the command line. Transformations are only valid with the –set option.


Copy the configuration of the srcObject (the source object) to all the objects in targetObjectList (target objects).


Remove all the objects in objectList.

-transform Transform the input file only, sending the output to outFile. No other action is taken. This is useful if the user wishes to verify that the -elemCopy and -elemRemove options transformed the input file as expected.

WARNING: Copying object configuration can have unintentional side effects. It is usually undesirable to copy firmware addresses. For example, consider the following:

     Axis 1.MPIAxisConfig.feedbackPtr = MPIMapSymbolTypeMOTOR_FEEDBACK_PRIMARY[1]

It is most likely a mistake to copy this address to any other axis. Usually it is a good idea to use a filter file to exclude firmware addresses when copying configurations from one object to another. See Appendix D for a list of all configuration elements that are firmware addresses.

NOTE: When SqNode objects are copied, the SqNode.MEISqNodeInfo.motorOffset values will most likely not match the values on the controller. This can cause a topology mismatch error (see Save/Clear Topology to Flash). When using meiConfig, topology mismatch can be ignored by specifying the -noTopoCheck flag. When using meiConfigGui, the user will be prompted whether or not to ignore topology mismatch.


Move Filter 0 to Filter 1.
    -elemCopy Filter0,Filter1
    -elemRemove Filter0

Copy Filter 0 to Filters 1 through 3.
    -elemCopy Filter0,Filter1-3

Swap Filter 0 and Filter 1.
    -elemCopy Filter0,Filter1
    -elemCopy Filter1,Filter0

Copy the first gain table for Filter 0 to all the gain tables for Filters 0 through 7.
    -elemCopy Filter0.MPIFilterConfig.gain0,

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