


The Export command allows the export of Motion Scope trace data in text (*.txt) format for third-party programs such as spreadsheets (e.g., Microsoft Excel). Exported data is tab and new line-delineated. Tabs delineate individual fields of data, new lines delineate a sample's worth of data. A segment from a typical presentation for a dual trace ("Ax 0 Cmd Pos" and "Ax 0 Act Pos") is shown below:

The leftmost column is the sample number ("Sample #"), followed by columns for "Ax 0 Cmd Pos" and "Ax 0 Act Pos," respectively.

The text filename defaults to the current Controller number, Recorder number. For example, in the screenshot above, the File name field defaults to "Controller 0, Recorder 0.txt," which reflects the currently active controller.

Mask Data – The Mask Data checkbox applies to Traces that are being masked, as set in the Edit Trace Properties dialog, which is available via the Edit button in the Select Traces Set dialog box.

  • If the checkbox is checked, then the bit-masking and shifting (Normalize Right) are applied so that what is exported to the file is the same values displayed in the Pane window after masking and shifting have been applied.

  • If the checkbox is NOT checked, then the data exported for these Traces are raw data, with no masking or shifting applied.

For example, the standard trace, "MS 0 Status.InFinePosition" is an example of bit-masking.

Label Precision Configures the number of decimal places for floating point data.


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