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I/O Summary
The I/O Summary is different from other Summary windows in two ways. First, the type of I/O objects that can be displayed are broken out into sub-types. Each sub-type is displayed in its own tab page. For example, there are tab pages for CAN I/O and Motor I/O. Secondly, unlike other Summary windows, objects are represented as rows and attributes are represented in columns.
Configuration Attributes: "Motor I/O" Tab PageThis window displays the I/O associated with motor objects. The number of I/O objects associated with a motor depends on the type of SynqNet Node that the motor is mapped to. If the motor is not mapped to a SynqNet Node, then it has no I/O. See Motor I/O for more information. Type – The choices for the types of I/O depend on the type of SynqNet Node that the motor is mapped to. Out – Value to write to the bit. Checked is HIGH, unchecked is LOW. In – Value read from the bit.
Configuration Attributes: "Control I/O" Tab PageThis window displays the I/O associated with control objects.
Type – The Control I/O are sorted by type. Each type is color coded. The list below describes the I/O types.
Value – The Value attribute for an Input I/O object is read-only. For Digital I/O, the value is represented as a checkbox. When checked, it's HIGH. When unchecked, it's LOW.
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