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Object Summary WindowsObject Summary windows display the attributes of individual objects using a grid control, much like a spreadsheet. Each object is represented by a column and the attributes are represented by rows. For some objects, there are so many attributes that they are divided and categorized into several tab windows. The user can configure which objects are to be displayed by an Object Summary.
Configuring Object SummariesSummary windows are configured to display objects directly or by association. For example, the Axis Summary can be configured to display a set of axes, such as Axis 0, Axis 1, and Axis 2, or it can be configured to display all the axes associated with a set of super-objects, such as MS 0, MS 1, and MS 2. Object Summaries can be configured by using 1) the Object Explorer, or 2) the Object List Configuration dialog box, or 3) the View Sub-objects buttons on another Summary window. See the sections related to these windows for more information. The View Sub-objects buttons are described below.
View Sub-ObjectsThe View Sub-objects button is displayed as a general configuration item on most object windows. A "sub-object" is meant to signify any object that is mapped to another object, either directly or indirectly. The summaries shown are identical to those presented by clicking on summary icons in the Object Explorer. For example, clicking on the View Sub-objects button within the Controller Summary window displays eight types of subordinate objects: A lower-level object such as the Axis object will
display fewer sub-object types. Sub-object summaries are displayed by selecting them
with the mouse. More than one summary can be selected from a list by simultaneously
holding down the
Anatomy of an Object SummaryConfigurable Attributes" versus "Status Parameters Some summary windows are divided into two sections. The top section of the window lists attributes which may be altered through direct data entry; these are configurable. The bottom section of the window contains read-only information regarding the status of objects; these are not configurable. An example of one such panel (an Axis summary) is shown below. In this example, the bottom, read-only parameters provide status information about the axis; they cannot be manually changed. Attributes in the upper portion of summary windows may be altered by manually entering values.
Cell ControlsEach grid cell contains a user interface control that displays data and, for configurable attributes, allows the user to enter data. Below are shown some controls found within an object grid. Edit Box – Data is entered manually into the cell using the keyboard. Combo Box – Clicking on a cell
yields a pull-down menu of options, which can be selected, or data can
be manually entered via the keyboard. Combo boxes consist of two parts:
1) the edit box; 2) a drop-down button. If you choose to type in your
selection manually, you must enter it exactly as shown in the list of
options. Clicking on drop-down button will cause a window to appear that
displays the option list. You may then click on a selection. If you do
not want to use a mouse for entry, type Checklist Combo Box – Similar to the regular combo box, except it has selectable check boxes. Push Buttons – Clicking on the button will cause an action to be performed on the selected object. If multiple buttons are selected in a row, then the action will be executed on all selected objects. Selecting buttons on multiple rows is not allowed. Buttons can also be activated by selecting the cell containing the button and pressing the Space bar. Button Grid – This is a set of Push Buttons displayed in a grid, with each button appearing in a separate row. Each individual button behaves exactly as a regular push button. Multiple buttons may be selected. CAUTION! Parameter values take effect immediately. If you are entering a value which influences machine movement, be certain to keep clear of moving components!
Navigating Within a SummaryMouse-less Navigation within a Summary WindowTab – Move the focus to the next control in the window. Shift + Tab – Move the focus to
the previous control in the window. <Arrow Key> – Within a grid control, set the current cell to the adjacent cell in the direction of the arrow key. The arrows keys are also used to change the tab page on a tab control. Ctrl + Ctrl + Home – Set the current cell to the top, left-most cell. Ctrl + End – Set the current cell to the bottom, right-most cell.
Selecting CellsTo select a single cell within the
table, click on the cell. To toggle the selection state of a single cell,
hold down the An entire row of cells can be selected by clicking on the row header button. An entire column can be selected by clicking on the column header button. Cells can also be selected with the keyboard: Shift + Shift + Ctrl <Arrow Key>
Shift + Ctrl + Home – Set the current cell to the top, left-most cell and select all cells in the range between the former current cell and the new current cell. Shift + Ctrl + End – Set the current cell to the bottom, right-most cell and select all cells in the range between the former current cell and the new current cell. Ctrl + Enter – Toggle the selection state of the current cell.
Copying Cell DataSelected cells can be copied to another group of cells by dragging the selection with the mouse and dropping them onto the destination cells. Selected cells can also be copied into the clipboard by clicking the Edit/Copy menu item or by typing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C. Once the cell contents are in the clipboard, they can be pasted into another set of cells by selecting the first target cell and clicking the Edit/Paste menu item or by typing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V. Cells copied into the clipboard can also be copied into a separate application, such as Microsoft Excel or a text editor. For an example, see Is there a way to save a copy of what is displayed in a Summary window?.
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