

FAQs for Motion Console

How do I resolve the "MEI_INSTALL_DIR Not Specified" error?

In Windows, open the Control Panel > System. In the System Properties window, under the Advanced tab, click on Environment Variables button. Under the System Variables section, click the New button. Type in the following variable information.

NOTE: If you have installed the MDK into a different directory, you must change the Variable Value accordingly.


Is there a way to save a copy of what is displayed in a Summary window?

Selected contents of a Summary window can be copied into the clipboard and pasted into any application that accepts text from the clipboard. Furthermore, data copied from other applications, such as Microsoft Excel, can be pasted into a Summary window. Below is an example of saving the filter coefficients to an Excel spreadsheet.

  1. Configure the Filter Summary to display all filters on a controller

  2. In the Filter Summary, select coefficients 0 – 12.

    Select the data by clicking the top left-hand cell and then the bottom right-hand cell while holding down the Shift key.

  3. Click the Edit/Copy menu item or type the Copy shortcut, Ctrl+C.

  4. Open up Microsoft Excel. Click on a cell.

  5. Click on the Edit/Paste menu item or type the Paste shortcut, Ctrl+V. The coefficients will be copied into the spreadsheet.

  6. The reverse procedure can be used to copy and paste data into a Summary window in Motion Console.


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