
Node Alarm

The Node Alarm is a notification feature in the FPGA logic for SynqNet nodes. Its purpose is to warn a user that there is a problem with the SynqNet Node. The input trigger conditions for the Node Alarm are software configurable. By default, IO Abort, node not in SYNQ mode, or FPGA image not Runtime can activate the Node Alarm output.

See Also: Node LEDs | Node LED Details


Motion Console

All of the Node Alarm Switches and Masks in the above diagram can be set via check boxes in Motion Console. A guide to each is shown below.

Dedicated Fault Status Mask
You can set the Dedicated Fault Status Mask in Motion Console under the Motor Summary->Config->Fault Config.

IOAbort Mask
You can set the IOAbort Mask in the SqNode Summary >IO Abort.

NodeAlarm Mask
You can set the NodeAlarm Mask in three places. Each one contributes to making the whole mask.

  •  SqNode Summary > Config >AlarmMask
       Set the mask for the dedicated Fault for each motor in a Node.

  •  SQNode Summary > Config > Alarm Not Cyclic

  •  SQNode Summary > Config > Alarm ioAbort



The input trigger conditions for the Node Alarm can be configured with mpiSqNodeConfigGet/Set using the MPISqNodeConfigAlarm structure.



When a Node Alarm occurs, the controller will generate an MPIEventTypeSQNODE_NODE_ALARM status/event. The status can be read with mpiSqNodeStatus decoding the eventMask with mpiEventMaskBitGET(eventMask, MPIEventTypeSQNODE_NODE_ALARM). After the SQNODE_NODE_ALARM status/event occurs, the status/event can be cleared with mpiSqNodeEventReset. This will allow another SQNODE_NODE_ALARM status/event to be triggered.

See Also

Node Faults Diagram


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