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Drive/Motor Mechaware API Documentation >Simulation
OverviewOverviewDescription The Drive/Motor Simulation block allows for simulation of a physical motor and drive combination. By attaching an Encoder to the motor shaft, the position of the motor can be obtained. This block is useful in determining mechanical behavior before a machine is built. Many machine behaviors can be determined by simulating different motors/drive combinations including resonance prediction, motor/drive sizing, servo tuning, and expected servo bandwidth. For simulation, connect the output of a Torque Demand block to the drive Current command input. This passes the torque command used by MechaWare into a simulated drive/motor. The Drive/Motor block has two outputs. The first is the motor shaft, refer to the block diagram for making custom mechanical structures. Connect an Encoder to the motor shaft to determine position. The second output is the actual drive current output in Amps.
Drive Parameters The drive parameters for this block are as follows:
Motor Parameters The motor parameters for this block are as follows:
Encoder Parameters The motor parameters for this block are as follows:
Matlab/SimulinkSimulink InterfaceIn the block diagram for the Drive/Motor block, note the Output Mux called Motor Shaft (Out). For determining a custom mechanical structure before an encoder, this Mux contains all of the required parameters to configure a spring body mass system, which allows you to design a block that matches your custom mechanical structures in any machine. This block provides virtual tuning of your servo system using your custom parts. Additionally, can assist in identifying resonances, or other mechanical problems before manufacturing. This is beneficial by allowing revisions to your machine before any resources are wasted. Notes: This block assumes a value of Ts has been entered into the Matlab workspace. Ts = 1/SampleRate. When a model containing the Motor/Drive block is downloaded to a controller, the block is discarded and not saved in the controller firmware. This block is a simulation block only. See Also
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