
Clip (Symmetric)



The Clip block provides symmetrical limits for an input signal. The signal will saturate at a maximum value of (+ Limit) and a minimum value of (– Limit). The input signal is offset by an amount defined by offset prior to the clipping the signal to +/- limit.


The configuration values for this block are as follows:


Symmetric Limit.

If Input + Offset < +Limit, or > -Limit, then Output = Input + Offset
If Input + Offset >= + Limit, then Output = + Limit
If Input + Offset <= -Limit, then Output = -Limit

Offset Offset value that is summed with the Input value before clipping the input to the +/- Limit.
Subsample Code A code which determines the schedule for updating this block (every sample, even samples only, etc.) See Subsampling.
User Data 0 Application-specific data. See User Data Storage.
User Data 1 Application-specific data. See User Data Storage.


Simulink Interface


The Output of a clip block is the Input plus the offset clipped by the +/- limit.

If Input + Offset < +Limit, or > -Limit, then Output = Input + Offset

If Input + Offset >= + Limit, then Output = + Limit

If Input + Offset <= -Limit, then Output = -Limit

The block has two user data fields (User Data 0, User Data 1) to store application-specific data for convenient storage and retrieval. See User Data Storage for details.

The block's update schedule is determined by the Subsample Code (See Subsampling). The following Parameter Dialog Box can be opened by double-clicking on the block in a Simulink Model:






Public Method

CLIPBlock&   CLIP();
  Required Header: mechaware.h


The Clip block provides symmetrical limits for an input signal. The signal will saturate at a maximum value of (+ Limit) and a minimum value of (– Limit). The input signal is offset by an amount defined by offset prior to the clipping the signal to +/- limit.

long CLIP().Limit

Symmetric Limit.

If Input + Offset < +Limit, or > -Limit, then Output = Input + Offset
If Input + Offset >= + Limit, then Output = + Limit
If Input + Offset <= -Limit, then Output = -Limit

long CLIP().Offset

Offset value that is summed with the Input value before clipping the input to the +/- Limit.


Block Methods


See Also

Clip2 (Asymmetric)


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