

Reports whether the conditions necessary for generating the specified event are met or have been met. The status of some events latch meaning that Status will report if the event's conditions have been met. Since the status of other events are in real-time, the Status will report if the event's conditions are currently being met.

NOTE: Many events have actions associated with them. Event reporting does not have to be enabled in order for these actions to be generated on the controller. In other words, it is possible to not report a node failure event, but to generate an E-STOP command when the node failure event's conditions are met.

 This property cannot be saved to flash memory.

Version History

Introduced in MPX 2.0.


Argument Type Description
Type Status The type of event whose related status bit is being read.


Boolean (read only)


Index Type Description

Visual Basic


PProperty Status As Boolean(index As Mpx.SqNodeStatus)

Sample Code


x = Controller.SqNode(3).Status(StatusSqNodeFailure)

Sample Application




bool[Mpx.SqNodeStatus] Status;

Sample Code


See Also



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