

Reads or sets the current state of a general purpose I/O line.

This property returns the current acting state regardless of the configuration.
If the I/O is configured as a digital output, then the output state may be set or read.
If the I/O is configured as a digital input, then the input state may only be read.

This property cannot be saved to flash memory.

Version History

Introduced in MPX 2.0.


Mpx.IoConfig (read only)


Argument Type Description
bit Long The general I/O bit to read.


Visual Basic


Property GeneralIoConfig As Mpx.IoConfig(index As UInt32)

Sample Code

Dim xAxis As Mpx.Axis = controller.Axis(0)
Dim generalIo5Avail As Boolean = xAxis.GeneralIoAvail(5) ' Is I/O 5 available? 

If generalIo5Avail Then 
   ' Can I/O 5 be a digital input? And is I/O 5 not already an input?
   If xAxis.GeneralIoConfigAvail(5, Mpx.IoConfig.Input) And _ 
      xAxis.GeneralIoConfig(5) <> Mpx.IoConfig.Input Then

       ' Force I/O 5 to be a digital input
       xAxis.GeneralIoConfig(5) = Mpx.IoConfig.Input 
   End If 
End If 




Mpx.IoConfig[] GeneralIoConfig;

Sample Code

Mpx.Axis xAxis = controller.Axis[0];
bool generalIo5Avail = xAxis.GeneralIoAvail[5]; // Is I/O 5 available? 

if (generalIo5Avail)
   // Can I/O 5 be a digital input? And is I/O 5 not already an input?
   if (xAxis.GeneralIoConfigAvail(5, Mpx.IoConfig.Input) && 
      xAxis.GeneralIoConfig(5) <> Mpx.IoConfig.Input)
       // Force I/O 5 to be a digital input
       xAxis.GeneralIoConfig[5] = Mpx.IoConfig.Input;



See Also



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