

int32_t  mpiSqNodeDriveMonitorInfo(MPISqNode                 node,
int32_t driveIndex,
MPISqNodeDriveMonitorInfo *info);

Required Header: stdmpi.h


mpiSqNodeDriveMonitorInfo reads a SynqNet node drive's monitor information and writes it into a structure pointed to by info. The info structure contains read only data about the number of supported drive monitor fields, their locations, and how to decode them.

node a handle to a SynqNet node object.
driveIndex an index to a drive interface on a SynqNet node. The first drive interface is 0, the second is 1, etc.
*info a pointer to a MPISqNodeDriveMonitorInfo structure. It contains information about the number of monitor fields, their locations, and how to decode them.
Return Values

See Also
