

int32_t  mpiControlRecorderCancel(MPIControl   control,
int32_t recorderNumber);

Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Added in the 03.03.00


mpiControlRecorderCancel provides a way to cancel the reservation for an abandoned recorder.

It is possible for a fatal error to occur in your application where mpiRecorderDelete(...) is not called, which will leave your recorders abandoned.

An abandoned recorder number cannot be reused until the recorder's reservation is canceled or the reservation is explicitly overwritten by specifying the recorder number (i.e. a number other than -1) when calling mpiRecorderCreate(...).

Use mpiControlRecorderStatus(...) to make sure you have no reason to believe a recorder is being used before canceling the recorders reservation.

control a handle to the Control object.
recorderNumber the index of the abandoned recorder object.
Return Values
MPIMessageARG_INVALID If recorderNumber is less than 0 or greater than MPIRecorderRECORDERS_MAX

See Also

mpiRecorderStatus | mpiRecorderCreate | mpiRecorderDelete | mpiControlRecorderStatus | recorderinuse.c