

mpiControlMemAvail(MPIControl   control,
                   int32_t         *intSize,
                   int32_t         *extSize);


Required Header: stdmpi.h

Change History: Modified in 04.00 (formerly mpiControlExtAvail).


mpiControlExtMemAvail gets the amount of internal and external memory available on a controller. It puts the number of bytes (8 bit) in the location pointed to by intSize and extSize. To convert from bytes (8-bit) to words (32-bit) divide the size by 4. To convert from bytes (8-bit) to doubles (64-bit) divide by 8. This function is useful to determine the amount of memory available when configuring the object counts in the controller with mpiControlConfigGet/Set.

control A handle to the Control object
*intSize A pointer to the available internal memory bytes returned by the method
*extSize A pointer to the available external memory bytes returned by the method

Sample Code

/* Prints the size of the available external memory size */ void printExternalMemorySize(MPIControlcontrol)
int32_t returnValue;
int32_t initSize; extSize
returnValue = mpiControlMemAvail( control, &intSize, &extSize);
msgCHECK(returnValue); printf("size %d (8 bit), %d (32 bit)", size, size / 4);
Output: C:\out\extmemavail\Debug>extmemavail
size 238008 (8 bit), 59502 (32 bit)

See Also
