typedef void (MPI_DECL2 *MPIControlFlashProgressFn)(void* userData, size_t percent); typedef MPIControlFlashProgressFn MPIControlFlashLoadProgressFn;
Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Added in 04.00.00
MPIControlFlashLoadProgressFn is a type definition for callback functions to be used by mpiControlFlashLoadFromFile to report progress. Any function that is passed to mpiControlFlashLoadFromFile must have the same function signature as MPIControlFlashLoadProgressFn.
userData | The user data passed into the mpiControlFlashLoadFromFile function. This is useful when the callback function needs to be associated with a particular C structure or C++ class instance. |
percent | The current completion percentage of the firmware load operation. The range of the function is from 0 to 100. |
Sample Code
/* This is a callback function that matches the MPIControlFlashLoadProgressFn
* prototype. It is used as an argument to mpiControlFlashLoadFromFile.
void MPI_DECL2 myLoadProgressFn (void* userData, size_t percent)
printf("Firmware load progress: %2d\r", percent);