

typedef enum {
	MPIActionINVALID = -1,



} MPIAction;

Required Header: mpidef.h
Change History: Modified in the 04.00


MPIAction enumerations are used to perform an action. Actions can be commanded from the controller or from your application. The motion, motor, and userLimit objects support actions. You can command an action directly from your application with mpiMotionAction(...). Or configure an action for the controller to command under specified conditions in the MPIMotorConfig, MPIMotorLimitConfig, or MPIUserLimitConfig structures.

MPIActionNONE Performs no action.
MPIActionTRIGGERED_MODIFY Triggers an executing move to decelerate to a stop using the MPIAxisEstopModify(...) motion parameters.
MPIActionSTOP Makes a motion supervisor perform a stop. This action can be commanded with mpiMotionAction(...) or by a motor event on the controller. Please see MPIMotionDecelTime for more information about stop actions.
MPIActionE_STOP Makes a motion supervisor perform an e-stop. This action can be commanded with mpiMotionAction(...) or by a motor event on the controller. Please see MPIMotionDecelTime for more information about e-stop actions.
MPIActionE_STOP_ABORT Makes a motion supervisor perform an e-stop and then an abort. This action can be commanded with mpiMotionAction(...) or by a motor event on the controller. Please see MPIMotionDecelTime for more information about e-stop actions.
MPIActionE_STOP_MODIFY Makes a motion supervisor perform an e-stop modify. This action is equivalent to an mpiMotionModify(...) that is pre-loaded into the controller and ends in an error state. This action can be commanded with mpiMotionAction(...) or by a motor event on the controller. Please see MPIAxisEstopModify for more information about e-stop modify actions.
MPIActionE_STOP_CMD_EQ_ACT The command position is set equal to the previous sample's actual position. After the E_STOP time expires, the AmpEnable is disabled. The settling parameters are supported for this action, when settleOnEstopCmdEqAct in the MPIAxisConfig structure is enabled.
MPIActionABORT Makes a motion supervisor perform an abort. This action can be commanded with mpiMotionAction(...) or by a motor event on the controller.
MPIActionDONE Currently not supported and reserved for future use.
MPIActionSTART Intended to force a motion supervisor to start when it is waiting for some event (a delay or hold) before starting. This action is currently not supported.
MPIActionRESUME Makes a motion supervisor to resume motion after a stop action has occurred. A motion supervisor can only resume a motion after a stop event, not an e-stop event. This action can be commanded with mpiMotionAction(...).
MPIActionRESET Makes a motion supervisor return to an idle state after an error has occurred or after a stop, e-stop, abort, or e-stop/abort action has occurred. While abort actions and certain errors cause all associated motors to turn off their amp-enable lines, this action does not change the state of any amp-enable lines. One will have to call the method mpiMotorAmpEnableSet(...) to re-enable the amplifiers. This action can be commanded with mpiMotionAction(...).
MPIActionCANCEL_REPEAT This action makes a repeating cam start or finish at the end of the next cycle. i.e. The cam will continue executing until it passes the start of finish of the cam table. See Repeating Cams .

See Also

mpiMotionAction | MPIMotorConfig | MPIMotorLimitConfig | MPIUserLimitConfig | How STOP Events Work