
How STOP Events work

Resuming Motion after STOP Events

When a motion supervisor sees a STOP event (generated by anything in the domains of motion supervisor's axes), the Feedrate is changed from NormalFeedrate to PauseFeedrate (MS[n].PauseFeedrate in the firmware). To set the PauseFeedrate or NormalFeedrate, use the method mpiMotionConfigSet(...). For example, set the normal rate to 90% and the pause rate to 0:

MPIMotionConfig motionConfig;
long returnValue;

/* Get Motion Supervisor existing configurations */ returnValue = mpiMotionConfigGet(motion,&motionConfig);
motionConfig.normalFeedrate = .90; motionConfig.pauseFeedrate = 0.0;
/*Set the values in Motion Supervisor Configuration*/ returnValue = mpiMotionConfigSet(motion, &motionConfig); msgCHECK(returnValue);

How quickly the NormalFeedrate changes to PauseFeedrate is determined by the value of StartStopRate (which is set by motionConfig.decelTime.stop). Normally, PauseFeedrate is 0.0, which causes the motion to stop.

When the motion is re-started (using mpiMotionAction(...,MPIActionRESUME) for STOP events), the Feedrate is changed back to the NormalFeedrate at the StartStopRate rate.

How Motion is Restarted after STOP Events
If Motion was stopped by
Then Motion resumes after
STOP Event
mpiMotionAction(...MPIActionRESUME) is called
mpiMotionAction(...MPIActionRESUME) is called
the limit (bit) is cleared

Note that STOP events are latched by the firmware, while PAUSE events aren't. This means that if you configure a user limit to trigger a STOP event when an input (like Xcvr) is set (= 1), the Motion will go from NormalFeedrate to PauseFeedrate when that bit is set, and the Motion will stay at the PauseFeedrate until mpiMotionAction(...,MPIActionRESUME) is called.

If a limit is configured for a PAUSE event, the Motion will resume automatically after the bit is cleared (mpiMotionAction(...,MPIActionRESUME) is not needed).

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