

long  mpiSqNodeSegmentParamGet(MPISqNode  sqNode,
long segment, long paramStart, long paramCount, char *params);

Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Added in the 03.03.00


mpiSqNodeSegmentParamGet gets the current value of the specified slice parameters from the sqNode.

sqNode a handle to a SqNode object.
segment the index of the slice / module attached to this SynqNet node.
paramStart the first parameter to get.
paramCount the number of parameters to get.
*params a pointer to the array of parameters that will be filled in by this function.
Return Values

Sample Code

For example to get the first two slice parameters on slice 1.

char parameters[2];
mpiSqNodeSegmentParamGet(sqNode0, 1, 0, 2, parameters);

See Also

mpiSqNodeSliceParamSet | Overview of MPI I/O