

long mpiSqNodeSegmentInfo(MPISqNode             node,
                          long                  segment,
                          MPISqNodeSegmentInfo  *info);

Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Added in the 03.02.00


mpiSqNodeSegmentInfo reads the constant data about a segment on a SynqNet node and fills in the structure pointer by the info argument.

node a handle to a SynqNet node object
segment the index of the slice / module attached to this SynqNet node.
For more information, please see the Overview of MPI I/O.
*info a pointer to a structure that will be filled in by this function.
Return Values

Sample Code

The following MPI code shows how to read the number of digital inputs on Slice 1 of Node0.

MPISqNodeSegmentInfo segmentInfo;
mpiSqNodeSegmentInfo( sqNode0, 1, &segmentInfo );long x = segmentInfo.digitalInCount;

See Also

MPISqNodeSegmentInfo | What Information is Available About Each I/O Segment? | Overview of MPI I/O