

    mpiSynqNetTopologyDiscovered(MPISynqNet             synqNet,
                                 MPISynqNetTopology     *topology);


Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Added in 04.00.


mpiSynqNetTopologyDiscovered returns the discovered topology of a SynqNet network. This includes information for nodes that are in the physical network. This may be different from the nodes that the controller expects to find on the network.

If the network is in SYNQ state, then the discovered topology is equal to the expected topology. If the network is in a ASYNQ state, it can be caused by a network topology mismatch error MPISynqNetMessageTOPOLOGY_MISMATCH or MPISynqNetMessageTOPOLOGY_MISMATCH_FLASH.

In this scenario, mpiSynqNetTopologyDiscovered can be used to compare the discovered topology with the expected topology. For comparison purposes, the expected topology must be saved in some form, such as a statically defined instance of the MPISynqNetTopology structure.

From this comparison, the user is able to identify the physical network problem (missing node, different node, extra node, failed node, incorrect wiring, etc.), correct the physical mismatch, and re-initialize the network successfully.

synqNet A handle to the SynqNet object.
topology A pointer to the SynqNet topology structure.
Return Values

Sample Code

MPISynqNetTopology     topology;
MPI_RESULT             returnValue;
returnValue = mpiSynqNetTopologyDiscovered(synqNet, &topology);

See Also
