MPI_RESULT mpiSynqNetCreate(MPISynqNet *synqNet, MPIControl control, long number;
Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Modified in 04.00.
mpiSynqNetCreate creates a SynqNet object identified by number, which is associated with a control object. SynqNetCreate is the equivalent of a C++ constructor.
*synqNet | A pointer to a synqNet object. If mpiSynqNetCreate fails, the synqNet object handle is set to MPIHandleVOID. |
control | a handle to a Control object |
number | An index to the SynqNet network. First network = 0 Second network = 1 Third network = 2, etc. |
Return Values | |
MPIMessageOK | |
MPIMessageSYNQNET_INVALID | The specified network is not valid. |
Sample Code
MPIControl control; MPISynqNet synqNet; long returnValue; /* Create control object */ returnValue = mpiControlCreate(&control, MPIControlTypeDEFAULT, NULL); if (returnValue == MPIMessageOK) { /* Create SynqNet Object */ returnValue = mpiSynqNetCreate(&synqNet, control,
0); /* Network #0 */ }