MPI 04.00 Reference >> mpiMotor



typedef struct MPIMotorStatus {
    MPIEventMask                    eventMask;
    MPIMotorFaultMask               faultMask;
    MPIMotorFeedbackStatusMask      feedbackMask;
    MPIMotorStepperStatus           stepper;
} MPIMotorStatus;


Required Header: motor.h
Change History: Changed in 04.00.


MPIMotorStatus is a structure that contains the present status, events, and fault conditions from the controller’s motor.  The Motor status can be polled and displayed for informational purposes.  If your application is using the status information to handle controller events, it is STRONGLY recommended to use the Notify, Event, and EventMgr features. 

Note: Using events for application logic decisions is more efficient than polling status.

eventMask A bit mask that contains the events that are active or latched for the controller’s motor.  This is useful for determining fault conditions.
faultMask A bit mask that contains the motor fault bits for the SynqNet node/drive interface.
feedbackMask A bit mask that contains the motor feedback status bits for the SynqNet node interface.
stepper A structure that contains the status for the pulse engine module.  It provides the status for network to pulse module synchronization and pulse velocity/width errors.

See Also

MPIMotionStatus | MPIAxisStatus