MPI 04.00 Reference >> mpiMotor



typedef struct MPIMotorInfo {
    MPIMotorInfoNodeType   nodeType;
    struct {
        long    networkNumber;
        long    nodeNumber;
        long    driveIndex;
    } sqNode;

    long    captureCount;
    long    feedbackCount;
    long    countsPerRev;

    MPIMotorInfoDedicatedIn    dedicatedIn[MPIMotorDedicatedInCOUNT];
MPIMotorInfoDedicatedOut dedicatedOut[MPIMotorDedicatedOutCOUNT];
MPIMotorInfoGeneralIo generalIo[MPIMotorGeneralIoCOUNT; } MPIMotorInfo;


Required Header: stdmpi.h

Change History: Modified in 04.00 and 03.02.00.


MPIMotorInfo structure contains static data determined during network initialization. It identifies the network, node, and drive interface associated with the motor object.

nodeType Identifies the type of node. See MPIMotorInfoNodeType.
networkNumber An index to the SynqNet network (0, 1, 2 etc.).
nodeNumber An index to the node (0, 1, 2, etc.).
driveIndex An index to the drive interface (0, 1, 2, etc.).
captureCount Counts the number of captures for the motor.
feedbackCount Number of feedbacks per motor. Valid range is 1 (primary) or 2 (primary and secondary).
countsPerRev Number of feedback counts per revolution for the primary feedback device. If the drive does not support this feature, then the value is -1.
dedicatedIn Details about the dedicated inputs.
dedicatedOut Details about the dedicated outputs.
generalIo Details about the general purpose I/O.