

long mpiGeometricPathToPVTPoints (MPIGeometricPath       path,
                                  MPIMotionPVTPoint      **point,
                                  long*                  pointCount,
                                  long**                 elementIDs);

Required Header: stdmpi.h

Change History: Added in 04.00.


mpiGeometricPathToPVTPoints calculates a list of points from the path object and writes them into an MPIMotionPTVPoint array, and puts the address of the array into the contents of point. The length of the array is written to pointCount. After the motion points are generated, they can be passed to any of the Path Motion methods that accept MPIMotionPVTPoints, such as mpiMotionPVTMove(...).

To create a path, use mpiGeometricPathCreate(...) to create a path object. Initialize the path parameters with mpiGeometricPathParamsGet(...) / mpiGeometricPathParamsSet(...). Then add path elements (line, arc, etc.) with mpiGeometricPathAppend(...). After calling mpiGeometricPathToPVTPoints(...), call the appropriate path move function. Finally, clean up by calling mpiGeomericPathDelete(...).

WARNING! The buffer pointed to by point is contained within the path object. Repeated calls to mpiGeometricPathToPVTPoints overwrites this array.

path A handle to a MPIGeometricPath object.
**points A pointer to array of MPIMotionPTPoint structures.
*pointCoint A pointer to the length of the MPIMotionPVTPoint array.
**elementIDs A pointer to a array of elementIDs, suitable for use with MPIGeometricPathMotionAttrMaskELEMENT_IDS.
Return Values

See Also

mpiGeometricPathCreate | mpiGeometricPathParamsGet | mpiGeometricPathParamsSet | mpiGeometricPathAppend | mpiGeometricPathDelete