

typedef union {
  struct {                            /* *'dst' = 'value' */
    MPICommandAddress     dst;
    MPICommandConstant    value;
    MPIControl            control;    /* Ignored by Sequence */
  } assign;

  struct {                            /* branch to 'label' on 'expr' */
    char                  *label;     /* NULL => stop sequence */
    MPICommandExpr        expr;       /* expr.oper => MPICommandOperatorLogical */
    MPIControl            control;    /* Ignored by Sequence */
  } branch;

  struct {                            /* branch to 'label' on MPIEventMask('handle') 'oper' 'mask' */
    char                  *label;     /* NULL => stop sequence */
    MPIHandle             handle;     /* [MPIMotor|MPIMotion|...] */
    MPICommandOperator    oper;       /* EQUAL/NOT_EQUAL/BIT_CLEAR/BIT_SET */
    MPIEventMask          mask;       /* MPIEventMask('handle') 'oper' 'mask' */
  } branchEvent;

  struct {                            /* branch to 'label' on Io.input 'oper' 'mask' */
    char                  *label;     /* NULL => stop sequence */
    MPIIoType             type;       /* MOTOR,	USER */
    MPIIoSource           source;     /* MPIMotor index */
    MPICommandOperator    oper;       /* EQUAL/NOT_EQUAL/BIT_CLEAR/BIT_SET */
    long                  mask;       /* [motor|user]Io.input 'oper' 'mask' */
  } branchIO;

  struct {                            /* *'dst' = 'expr' */
    MPICommandAddress     dst;
    MPICommandExpr        expr;       /* expr.oper => MPICommandOperatorArithmetic */
    MPIControl            control;    /* Ignored by Sequence */
  } compute;

  struct {                            /* Io.output = Io.output 'oper' 'mask' */
    MPIIoType             type;       /* MOTOR,	USER */
    MPIIoSource           source;     /* MPIMotor index */
    MPICommandOperator    oper;       /* AND/OR/XOR */
    long                  mask;
  } computeIO;

  struct {                            /* memcpy(dst, src, count) */
    void                  *dst;
    void                  *src;
    long                  count;
    MPIControl            control;	  /* Ignored by Sequence */
  } copy;

  double delay;                       /* seconds */

  struct {
    long                  value;      /* MPIEventStatus.type = MPIEventTypeEXTERNAL */
                                      /*.source  = MPISequence/MPIProgram */
                                      /*.info[0] = value */
  } event;

  struct {                            /* mpiMotion[Abort|EStop|Reset|Resume|Start|Stop](motion[, type, params]) */
    MPICommandMotion      motionCommand;
    MPIMotion             motion;
    MPIMotionType         type;       /* MPICommandMotionSTART */
	union {
                          MPICommandMotionPointToPointParams pointToPoint;
                          MPICommandMotionVelocityParams velocity;
	} params;
} move;

  struct {                            /* wait until 'expr' */
    MPICommandExpr       expr;        /* expr.oper => MPICommandOperatorLogical */
    MPIControl           control;     /* Ignored by Sequence */
  } wait;

  struct {                            /* wait until MPIEventMask('handle') 'oper' 'mask' */
    MPIHandle            handle;      /* [MPIMotor|MPIMotion|...] */
    MPICommandOperator   oper;        /* EQUAL/NOT_EQUAL/BIT_CLEAR/BIT_SET */
    MPIEventMask         mask;        /* MPIEventMask('handle') 'oper' 'mask' */
  } waitEvent;

  struct {                            /* wait until Io.input 'oper' 'mask' */
   MPIIoType             type;        /* MOTOR,	USER */
   MPIIoSource           source;      /* MPIMotor index */
   MPICommandOperator    oper;        /* EQUAL/NOT_EQUAL/BIT_CLEAR/BIT_SET */
   long                  mask;        /* [motor|user]Io.input 'oper' 'mask' */
  } waitIO;
} MPICommandParams;


MPICommandParams holds the parameters used by an MPICommand. Each element in the MPICommandParams union corresponds to different types of commands (specified by the MPICommandType enumeration).

Supported by
assign Assign a value to a particular controller address: *dst = value assign.control is currently not supported and is reserved for future use. MPICommandTypeASSIGN
branch Branch to a particular command (similar to a goto statement) if a particular comparison evaluates to TRUE: branch to label on expr
If label = NULL, then no more commands will be executed if the comparison evaluates to TRUE. branch.control is currently not supported and is reserved for future use.
branchEvent Branch to a particular command (similar to a goto statement) if a particular event occurs or has occured: branch to label on MPIEventMask(handle) oper mask
If label = NULL, then no more commands will be executed if a particular event occurs or has occured.
branchIO Branch to a particular command (similar to a goto statement) if a particular i/o state matches a specified condition: branch to label on Io.input oper mask
If label = NULL, then no more commands will be executed if a particular i/o state matches a specified condition.
compute Perform some computation and place the result at some controller address: *dst = expr compute.control is currently not supported and is reserved for future use. MPICommandTypeCOMPUTE
computeIO Performs a computation on a set of i/o bits: Io.output = Io.output oper mask MPICommandType_IO
copy Copies controller memory from one place to another: memcpy(dst, src, count);
Remember: count represents the number of bytes copied, NOT the number of controller words. event.control is currently not supported and is reserved for future use.
delay Delays execution of the next command delay seconds. MPICommandTypeDELAY
event Generates an event:
MPIEventStatus.type = MPIEventTypeEXTERNAL
MPIEventStatus.source = MPISequence[0] = value event.eventMgr is currently not supported and is reserved for future use.
move Commands a motion action:
mpiMotionAction(motion, MPIAction[ABORT | E_STOP | E_STOP_ABORT | RESET | RESUME | STOP]);
motion Commands a motion action:
mpiMotionAction(motion, MPIAction[ABORT | E_STOP | E_STOP_ABORT | RESET | RESUME | STOP]);
wait Delays execution of the next command until a particular comparison evaluates to TRUE: wait until expr wait.control is currently not supported and is reserved for future use. MPICommandTypeWAIT
waitEvent Delays execution of the next command until a particular event occurs: wait until MPIEventMask(handle) oper mask MPICommandTypeWAIT_EVENT
waitIO Delays execution of the next command until a particular i/o state matches a specified condition: wait until Io.input oper mask MPICommandTypeWAIT_IO

See Also

MPICommand | MPICommandType | mpiCommandCreate | mpiCommandParams