typedef enum MPICaptureTriggerType { MPICaptureTriggerTypeINVALID = -1,
MPICaptureTriggerTypeMOTOR, MPICaptureTriggerTypeSQNODE, MPICaptureTriggerTypeDIRECT,
MPICaptureTriggerTypeEND, MPICaptureTriggerTypeFIRST = MPICaptureTriggerTypeINVALID + 1, MPICaptureTriggerTypeCOUNT = MPICaptureTriggerTypeFIRST - MPICaptureTriggerTypeEND } MPICaptureTriggerType;
Required Header: capture.h
Change History: Added in 04.00.
MPICaptureTriggerType is used within the MPICaptureConfig structure (triggerType field) to specify the type of
capture trigger.
MPICaptureTriggerTypeINVALID | Capture trigger type is invalid. |
MPICaptureTriggerTypeMOTOR | Selects the motor field of the MPICaptureConfig structure as the active trigger type. |
MPICaptureTriggerTypeSQNODE | Selects the'sqNode field of the MPICaptureConfig structure as the active trigger type. |
MPICaptureTriggerTypeDIRECT | Selects the direct field of the MPICaptureConfig structure as the active trigger type. |