


long meiSqNodeSegmentAnalogIn(MEISqNode    node,
                              long         segment,
long channel, long *state);
  Required Header: stdmei.h
Change History: Added in the 03.02.00


meiSqNodeSegmentAnalogIn gets the current state of an analog input on the specified slice on a SynqNet node.

node a handle to a SynqNet node object.
segment the index of the slice/module attached to this SynqNet node.
For more information, please see the Overview of MPI I/O.
channel the index of the analog input channel (with respect to the slice).
For more information, please see the Overview of MPI I/O.
*state a pointer to where the current state of the input is written by this function.
Return Values

See Also

Accessing Analog Data | MEISqNodeInfoIo | Overview of MPI I/O


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