


long meiSqNodeFlashConfigSet(MEISqNode        node,
                             void             *flash,
                             MEISqNodeConfig  *config);
  Required Header: stdmei.h


meiSqNodeFlashConfigSet sets a SynqNet Node (node) flash configuration using data from the structure pointed to by config.

NOTE: The network topology must first be saved before changing node config values in Flash memory. These values will also be cleared when network topology is cleared using meiSynqNetFlashTopologyClear(...).

node a handle to a SynqNet node object.

flash is either an MEIFlash handle or MPIHandleVOID. If flash is MPIHandleVOID, an MEIFlash object will be created and deleted internally. Using MPIHandleVOID is recommended, as it simplifies code.

If flash is a valid MEIFlash handle, then the MEIFlash object cache will be updated, but the actual write to controller flash will not occur. Use meiFlashMemoryFromFileType(...) to prompt the actual write to flash.

*config a pointer to a SynqNet node config structure.
Return Values

See Also

meiSqNodeFlashConfigGet | Flash Objects | meiSynqNetFlashTopologySave


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