The SqNode type is out of range. This message code is returned by SynqNet node methods if the node type is not a member of the SQNodeLibNodeType enumeration. |
The SynqNet Node number is out of range. This message code is returned if the given node number is less than zero, or greater than or equal to MEISynqNetMaxNODE_COUNT. |
Some methods can only be executed in SYNQ state. This message will be returned when the network is not in the expected network state (i.e ASYNQ state).
The type of map file specified in meiSqNodeDriveMapParamFileSet(...) does not match the type of drive found on the network. |
The parameter name or number specified in meiSqNodeDriveMapParamFileSet(...) was not valid for the specified drive. |
The parameter name or number specified in meiSqNodeDriveMapParamFileSet(...) was not found. |
A file with an incorrect format was used in meiSqNodeDriveMapParamFileSet(...).
The drive/node did not respond to the service command issued in a reasonable amount of time.
The node/drive did not complete the hand shaking for the service command.
There was an error in carrying out the service command issued.
The service command issued is either not supported or recognized by the drive.
Invalid service channel specified. See MEISqNodeCmdHeader.
The service command is not supported by the node.
Unable to discover node rescources.
Is the default error code returned when a node specific routine has failed. Check the node FPGA version to verify whether or not it is correct. |
A node specific initialization routine was unable to successfully complete its routine. Verify that the node FPGA is the default version for your MPI version. See MEISqNodeInfoFpga. |
This is an outdated node, which does not support the current discovery routine.
Node type does not match the file provided for download.
The file provided for download was not found or was corrupted.
The header information in the download image is invalid. Please verify firmware file to be correct and retry download. If firmware file is correct please contact firmware manufacturer. |
Node firmware download failed. Verify that the firmware file is correct and retry the download.
NOTE: A network reset my be required. |
The node FPGA firmware does not match the FPGA image file. |
The downloading of the node firmware (FPGA) image is not supported for this node.
The Node specified for verification does not support the upload of the FPGA image. Therefore, the image cannot be verified. |
The SqNode Boot Rom identification or version is not recognized by the MPI. |
Invalid resource table in node module. This is a fatal error within the MPI. Please verify MPI and node FPGA versions to be correct and then contact MEI's Technical Support. |
An attempt to write information to the node has failed due to an invalid string length.
Returned from meiSqNodeConfigSet(...) when the given secondary encoder (n) is not mappable to the motor on the node specified by MEISqNodeFeedbackSecondary[n].motorIndex. |
An attempt was made to access a SynqNet node that has a node failure event active.
SynqNet Node Failure describes the details.
When initializing the SynqNet network one of the node requires a SynqNet packet larger that what can be supported.
Two modules attached to a SQID node are incompatible. This error message code is returned when initializing a SQID node. Different types of I/O module may be incompatible and will not work on the same SQID node.
The EEPROM on one of the modules attached to a SQID node has not been programmed.
The maximum number of I/O that can be supported by a SQID node has been exceeded.
When initializing an SQIO node, checks are performed to confirm that the node actually supports the correct number of I/O. This error is returned when one of these tests fails. An error will occur when the length of at least one of the inter module (SPI) buses did not match the length calculated from data held in the module EEPROMs. This error message can be returned by MPI functions that reset the SynqNet Network such as, mpiControlReset(...), mpiControlInit(...), meiSynqNetInit(...). This error can ONLY be generated by SQIO nodes. This fault can also be caused by a poor electrical connection between the SQID and the I/O modules. If the modules are firmly connected and the error persists then you will need to contact your supplier of the I/O Modules to correct the hardware.
During the initialization of the modules attached to a SQID node, the maximum current that can be drawn from the inter module 3.3V bus exceeds the allowable current.
During the initialization of the modules attached to a SQID node, the maximum current that can be drawn from the inter module 5V bus exceeds the allowable current.
An error was encountered while initalizing the Slice I/O node.
Slice I/O nodes can only support 32 slices attached to the network adapter. This error is returned when more than 32 slices are detected.
A slice is attached to the node that is not supplied by MEI. You can only use slices supplied by MEI.
When initializing a Slice I/O node the initialization routine failed to complete within the expected time.
When attempting to restore the slice parameters to the attached slices of a Slice I/O node, the arrangement of slices did not match the expected arrangement. If you wish to clear the previous slice parameters, you can stop this error by calling meiSqNodeSegmentParamClear(...).
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. The message received from the slice was badly formed, errors include CRC and missing start/stop bits.
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. The slice returned too many characters when responding to this request.
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. The slice returned an error code.
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. An unknown fault was detected when accessing this slice.
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. The slice does not support the requested data.
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. The slice does not support the action requested on this data. For example, a read or write.
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. The slice does not support the requested data.
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. The slice is already in the requested mode.
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. The slice can not perform the requested action in its current state.
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. You cannot modify the data on this slice.
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. Not enough data was supplied to the slice for this operation.
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. The slice does not support the requested data.
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. Too much data was supplied to the slice for this operation.
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. The slice does not support the requested data.
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. The slice does not support the specified parameter.
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. The slice failed during a store operation.
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. The error code from the slice was not recognized.
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. The operation on the slice exceeded the timeout threshold.
When attempting to access data on Slice I/O, a communication fault was detected. The response from the slice was not formatted correctly.
The data held on the EEPROM on the network adaptor was not formatted correctly.
When starting the slice node, too many I/O slices were found. You should remove some slices to stop this error message from being generated.
The boot file "kollmorgen_ember.a00" was not found. When downloading drive images to Kollmorgen CD, DASA, and PicoDAD drives, a boot file is downloaded to the drive prior to the actual drive image. This boot file needs to be located in the same directory as the drive's image file that is provided for download.
The drive parameter that the user is attempting to set is read only.
The drive parameter that the user is attempting to set is not accessible. SelSFDParam must be set to 0, otherwise the SFD motor parameters will be used. |
Drive does not support the configuring of Monitors through indexing.
Drive does not support the configuring of Monitors through addressing. |
The hardware support for SynqNet node monitors is not available. This message is returned by meiSqNodeDriveMonitorInfo(…), if the node/drive hardware does not support monitor fields. To avoid this problem, do not use the monitor methods if the SynqNet node hardware does not support it. The monitor field data is SynqNet drive-specific. All drives do not support monitors. SynqNet RMBs (Remote Motion Blocks) or I/O nodes do not support monitors.
Motor commutation initialization failed. This message is returned from sgdsCommutationInit(…) or sgdzBsCommutationInit(…) if the commutation initialization fails.
SynqNet drive did not clear the position as requested. This message is returned from sgdsEncoderPositionClear(…) or sgdzBsEncoderPositionClear(…) if the SynqNet drive does not respond to the service command request to clear the feedback position.
SynqNet node EERPOM was modified by the MPI. This message is returned from mpiControlInit(…) or meiSynqNetInit(…) if the Kollmorgen S300, S600 or S1800 drive’s EEPROM was not properly configured at the factory. The MPI will attempt to discover the drive’s configuration and set the appropriate option number in the node’s EEPROM.