
MPIMotorIo (Deprecated)

MPIMotorIo was moved to meiDeprecated.h in the 03.02.00 MPI software release.


typedef struct MPIMotorIo {
    unsigned long	input;
    unsigned long	output;
} MPIMotorIo;


MPIMotorIo is a structure used to read the Motor input and set Motor output values.


The input value reflects the 32 bits of general and dedicated input values.
The dedicated input values (bits 0-15) are specified by MEIMotorDedicatedIn.
The general purpose input values (bits 16-31) can be specified by MEIMotorIoMask.


The output value reflects the 32 bits of general and dedicated output values.
The dedicated output values (bits 0-15) are specified by MEIMotorDedicatedOut.
The general purpose output values (bits 16-31) can be specified by MEIMotorIoMask.

See Also

MEIMotorDedicatedIn | MEIMotorDedicatedOut | MEIMotorIoMask


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